View Full Version : Who uses Hikari first bites?

Greg Richardson
01-09-2007, 11:52 AM
Not only who uses it, what is your opinion of them growth wise compared to BBS? TIA!

01-09-2007, 01:59 PM
Not only who uses it, what is your opinion of them growth wise compared to BBS? TIA!

I used that exclusively for a while and then switched to golden pearls. A lot easier to deal with and the fish grew just fine.

01-09-2007, 02:21 PM
I used Hikari first bites during the first few days of attaching. Later on, I decided that it's not needed because the frys, if attached, will be feeding off their parents anyway. I also switched to Golden Pearl which works very well. I do agree that the frys will grow slightly faster and bigger if you use BBS .. but I didn't want to go thru the trouble with live BBS.

01-09-2007, 03:42 PM
Am I right assuming you use Golden Pearls on baby discus and don't have to feed live BBS ?? I am now living in an apartment and want to breed a discus pair but can't hatch live BBS.. Any other ideas of what to feed or is that it?? Thanks

Greg Richardson
01-09-2007, 03:44 PM
Thanks for comments so far. Hope I get some more. Much appreciated!

Want to throw this into the discussion also.......
From what I have read over the years it seems like BBS has been known for best growth from the start.

With that in mind, what is the thoughts on if one uses Hikari first bites or Golden Pearls instead, but then switches when able to CBW.

Will the CBW catch up the growth rate that you gave up not starting on BBS?

Or, is that first time period of feeding critical to overall growth rate not recoverable?

Anyone experiment with this?

01-09-2007, 03:53 PM
Am I right assuming you use Golden Pearls on baby discus and don't have to feed live BBS ?? I am now living in an apartment and want to breed a discus pair but can't hatch live BBS.. Any other ideas of what to feed or is that it?? Thanks

Yes, I don't use live BBS anymore.

First 5 to 7 days after attached, I let the frys feed off their parents.
Then I use an automatic feeder to introduce golden pearl to them (the small size). This goes on another week, and then I start to introduce bigger size golden pearl and eventually chopped frozen blood worm. After a month, I introduce grinned flakes and color bits.

01-09-2007, 05:02 PM
How much are the golden pearls?? I'll only be breeding from one pair of discus.. I hope to get some growth on the babies. I had raised some discus babies a couple years ago. They hatched well but I didn't get any growth on those babies..

01-09-2007, 05:25 PM
I got mine from http://kensfish.com/kensspecialtyfood.html
I used 3 different sizes :
a. 50-100 Microns
b. 100-200 Microns
c. 200-300 Microns
Afterward, I used Frozen Blood Worms, flakes and colorbits.

Last time they include a bag of sample flakes for me too. :-)

01-11-2007, 12:53 AM
Ive only used first bites raising red devils and now with our flower horn fry. I dont see why you cant use them with discus fry. I had great results with the red devil fry. Fish turned out beautiful and they did grow at a good solid rate. I wouldnt say it was "fast" growth though since I had never raised fry of any kind at the time.

01-11-2007, 01:05 AM

Discusgeo is a Simply member and sells Golden Pearls in different sizes and amounts. You can email him, PM him, or check him out at Aquabid.com. He uses the same name there. He sells other products as well.


01-11-2007, 12:55 PM
what would be best used for 1 st day freeswimmer between hikari first bites, and the smallest golden pearl?

01-11-2007, 02:19 PM
I don't feed until the frys are attached to the parents. After attached, I will wait about 3 days, then feed some first bites (for another couple days) and start hatching some BBS, or go directly to golden pearl.

Greg Richardson
01-11-2007, 02:42 PM
How do you feed golden pearl? Not familiar with product. TIA.

01-11-2007, 03:37 PM
Is the Hikari first bites left to float on top of the water or must it be submerged ?

01-11-2007, 04:40 PM
How do you feed golden pearl? Not familiar with product. TIA.

I use an automatic feeder. It will slowly sink to the bottom. You have to do some testing on your feeder opening ... The Golden pearl is such fine/small particals .. You don't want to drop too much into the tank to foul your water.

01-11-2007, 04:42 PM
Is the Hikari first bites left to float on top of the water or must it be submerged ?

To me, the First Bites is just like some fine powder ... Like the Golden Pearl, it will first float but then slowly sink to the bottom.

Greg Richardson
01-11-2007, 04:48 PM
Bob. Below is from their website. I use a Turkey baster to shoot a cloud of what ever I'm feeding right on the parent that is currently holding the most fry. At the beginning what is nice is if the food sticks to the parents side the fish recognize it better and acquire a taste for it.

First Bites™
Superior Nutrition For The Initial, Formative Days Of Life

First Bites™ is specifically formulated to provide any newborn fish the exacting nutritional balance they require during the earliest developmental stages of their lives. High in superior protein sources, including premium-select fish meal, First Bites™ will help your newborns develop excellent body form, superior disease resistance and proper organ development. Give your fry thei best chance at a long and healthy life, feed them First Bites™!

Key Benefits
Rich In Highly Nutritious, Freshly Harvested Ingredients

Unique Low-Heat Production Process Prevents Dissapation Of Necessary Vitamins, Nutrients And Amino-Acids Your Fry Need To Survive

Expect Rapid Growth Free Of Dietary Deformites Or Deficiencies

Helps Fry Develop Superior Disease Resistance

Great For Livebearers And Egglayers

Semi-Floating Food

Promotes proper feeding habits

Reduces chances of over-feeding

Reduces waste

Saves money

Perfect Package

Small size avoids throwing away unused food

Resealable package for maximum freshness

First Bites™ Pellets

Available Sizes:

0.35 Oz (20095)

Guaranteed Analysis:

Crude Protein 48% Min.

Crude Fat 3% Min.

Crude Fiber 1% Max.

Moisture 10% Max.

Crude Ash 15% Max.

Phosphorus 1.3% Min.

Ingredients: fish meal, milt meal, wheat flour, Antartic krill meal, clam meal, spirulina, seaweed meal, DL-methionine, monosodium glutamate, garlic, enzyme, vitamins and minerals including stabilized vitamin C

Feeding Suggestions: For optimum results, feed daily as many times as possible, the amount your pet will completely consume within two (2) to three (3) minutes. Up to 10 feedings per day may be necessary depending on number of fry and activity level. For mid-water and bottom feeders allow Hikari First Bites to saok in a cup of aquarium water before feeding. This will cause the food to sink more rapidly allowing these fry better access. Livebearers (ovoviviparous) can consume Hikari First Bites right after birth. Start feeding Hikari First Bites right before the yolk sack is fully consumed. Care should be taken to avoid over-feeding. Excess food can cause water quality problems which may result in heightened stress or serious illness. Feeding less food to be sure none is left after the feeding period is preferred to allowing uneaten food to settle to the bottom of your aquarium.

For additional feeding suggestions for your fry once they surpass the need for Hikari First Bites, ask your aquatic retailer about Hikari's other specialized diets for all types of freshwater and marine fishes and pond pets too. Quality diets from the leader in premium nutrition for aquatic pets!

Because We Care: Use before the best before date guarantees the contents meet our rigid quality standards. After opening, please keep the container out of direct sunlight, high heat or humidity as this can cause the contents to degrade.

Bainbridge Mike
01-11-2007, 07:14 PM
Hi Greg:

I like your turkey baster idea. In the past, I have just held a pinch of first bites between my fingers and then released it underwater as close as I could get to the fry. I've had good success with first bites with a number of different species.


01-11-2007, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the information Greg. I like the turkey baster method as well.