View Full Version : I/D if poss

01-10-2007, 10:27 AM
I posted some pics some time ago when these were yougsters. they are now semi adult and about 4 inches Body. any ideas of strain. I think the father was a bit of red spot leopard & mother unknown. any pointers in the right direction appreciated
The fist has a beautiful sheen over the entire body with the dorsal fin being half blue.
The second does have faint bars although appears at first glance solid.

01-10-2007, 10:39 AM
The first looks like a rose red/alenquer of some sort...the second... alenquer/wild blue/brown cross....Hard to tell...but they look like they will be some very attractive fish as adults.


01-10-2007, 10:45 AM
I would lean more towards the alenquer

01-10-2007, 02:14 PM
I agree with both of those above, although I am leaning much more to browns than to blues. As far as Alenquer, it's hard for me to say, to my mind it should have a bit redder body if it was an Alenquer, but that said, tank surroundings play such a large part in their color that it is almost impossible to tell where they came from originally. Nice discus whatever the name

01-10-2007, 02:25 PM
Thanks. I was advised when they were young they may be Alenquer, now they have grown I keep getting asked what they are, and it has been impossible to classify.

I have another from the same alledgedly parents.
#It has a Black dorsal & anal fin and black tail!!!!! also a blacak tip on the nose??????
I have enhanced the colour so you can see. it has the same basic body colour as the rest of the brood.

The others have a nice sheen over them especialy over the front of the body. ( HALO)????
any help appreciated and thanks for advice to date.
I thinh Brew may have the answer!!!!!!!

01-10-2007, 02:29 PM
The Alledged Father of the brood
(deceased Wasted away)