View Full Version : Hell of a week, haven't been around much

01-10-2007, 07:15 PM
Well, my father went into the hospital by ambulance last Wednesday (right after I got my new fish in the tank). His blood sugar dropped into the 40's and his heart rate did too. Luckily he was at his lady friend's house so she could call 911 for the ambulance, otherwise he wouldn't have made it. He doesn't remember much of that day or that the parametics were working on him and didn't know if he'd make the hospital. Spent most of the week at the hospital and we've had to argue with the doctor from hell (long story short, the nurses didn't even agree with stuff he tried to do and we had to call his regular doctor to even get him the meds he needed!).

We also had to find him a new place to live than the senior appartment he lived at :(. He needed 24 hour supervision and none of us could give him that kind of care and the hospital was holding him temporarily (after much debate and family sit ins!) until I was able to find something (was on 2 phones all Monday trying to find a place for him). Yesterday had to deal with the doctor from Hell again signing his discharge papers. My dad is a diabetic, they were giving him insulin at the hospital since his blood sugars were on a roller coaster, but this idiot doctor didn't want to put insulin in his med orders! The place my dad was going to has to have all medication instructions listed otherwise they don't give it. The doctor at first said get the orders from his regular doctor, which would mean how many days before a second appt to get it? He's on 2 different injectables and pills. Luckily we were able to contact his regular doctor to call this doctor and set things straight!

Good thing is this trip to the hospital has made him consent to dialisis. When he did that they started treating him better at the hospital too (except the doctor from hell).

One hell of a week and I am very tired :(.


01-10-2007, 07:35 PM
I hope your dad gets better soon. and I hope your week gets a lot better too.


01-10-2007, 08:23 PM

Unfortunately the family almost always needs to fight for the patient. DOn't ask me why, but if there isn't someone around 100% of the time, big things slip through the system.

I have more than one experience with type of treatment.

Keep your chin up. We are hear to listen to you!!!

Elite Aquaria
01-10-2007, 08:29 PM
What in the heck is wrong with that Doctor...I have a 3 year old diabetic son and this is no playing matter when he eats he gets an injection. No questions asked...I would check to see where this moron got his degree...anyone with any sence knows that diabetics need insulin....

Sorry to hear about the added burden...I remember reading your post a month or so ago about the dialysis issue.

I hope things get better for you and your family soon...


01-11-2007, 12:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Tina. Glad things are looking up though. I think I would have let that Dr. know exactly what I felt of him or at least the hospital Heads know. No one should be treated like that especially when they are sick.

01-11-2007, 12:19 PM
What in the heck is wrong with that Doctor...I have a 3 year old diabetic son and this is no playing matter when he eats he gets an injection. No questions asked...I would check to see where this moron got his degree...anyone with any sence knows that diabetics need insulin....

Sorry to hear about the added burden...I remember reading your post a month or so ago about the dialysis issue.

I hope things get better for you and your family soon...


I agree, not only that they fed him late, often not until after 7 for dinner and 2 for lunch, and were only giving him one type of insulin. :(.


01-11-2007, 12:21 PM
Aww I'm sorry Tina. I hope your Dad starts feeling better!

01-11-2007, 05:34 PM
Well, now he's decided he won't do dialisis again since the nurse the hospital sent over to check on him talked him out of it! (are they allowed to do that?). I can see reasons for and against him doing it, but for a nurse to say all the negative things and suggest he shouldn't do it?


Elite Aquaria
01-11-2007, 08:57 PM
No that nurse can not do that and she can get into some major trouble if you report her.


Kenny's Discus
01-11-2007, 09:08 PM
Tina I feel for you I really do. Best wishes to your dad, you and the whole familes...hope everything will be a okay for you and yours.


01-11-2007, 09:11 PM
Tina I am so sorry to hear of all that you and your dad are going through. I too have had to battle a few Dr.'s from Hell with my mom and her illnesses. I don't understand how they keep practicing and usually the ones I have had the most issues with are the "Specialists".

The nurse should be reported I am not sure what they can do about it. Maybe having the regular Dr. talk to him about the need for the dialysis might make him change his mind and have the procedures again. I would make sure though that the Hospital knows to NEVER send that nurse to check up on him. I have no clue why she would have even said that! Dialysis has been around for years helping people live better lives! By removing toxins that their organs can no longer remove.


01-19-2007, 07:47 PM
Well, it's been a real roller coaster these past few days.

My dad has been looking worse and his symptoms have been progressing, but with renal failure, thankfully, the end is usually painless and they pretty much just slow down and go in their sleep. :(

Well, yesterday he wasn't doing well at all, he was throwing up and couldn't keep anything inside him. His ankles were swollen. We were expecting the call that either he would be back into emergency or that he would have passed, we had doubts he would last the night.

We tried to get some rest but were close to the phone all evening. Didn't hear anything from the rest of the family or got that dreaded phone call, so I went into work this morning expecting to get a call anytime (don't have much leave left). Then I got a phone call to get over there right away the nurse was coming and I thought *Oh God, this is it* and was expecting the worst.

Well, nearly fell over when I saw him...

I rushed into the place, met the nurse and was rushing to his room, when...

I see him and my stepbrother sitting at the dining table and he was drinking tea and smiling! LOL.

The prognosis still isn't good, he has 1 week to maybe a little over a month to live, but to see him up and about today was great! They are finally putting in the orders for hospice though :(. His color is deteriorating too, his lips had a sickly blackish blue color as are the whites of his eyes an off color :(. I have to see if he kept any solid food down too, since he hasn't had any since yesterday (couldn't even eat his favorite food) :(.


01-19-2007, 08:18 PM
Oh Tina, it really has been an emotional roller coaster for you! Hospice here is very very good. The way they treat the patient and the family is exceptional. They really are wonderful for the family near the end.

I'll keep you in my thoughts.:)

01-20-2007, 04:33 PM
Sorry to hear about your dad Tina!! :(

I lost my dad to diabetes when I was 3. He was in his late 20's. Diabetes is no laughing matter at all.


01-23-2007, 10:33 AM
Sorry to hear about your dad Tina!! :(

I lost my dad to diabetes when I was 3. He was in his late 20's. Diabetes is no laughing matter at all.


I agree Mark,

My dad has 3 things that seem to be racing each other to see what can get him first, but the diabetes is what's been sending him to the hospital :(
Yesterday I was at the hospital at 3 am since my Dad's sugar again went dangerously low. The emergency personel must have given him something and they fed him at the hospital and released him that morning (with just the hospital gown, since they brought him in with barely anything on). We were given instructions to withhold all insulin until his blood sugars were over 100. Even without any insulin yesterday we've had problems keeping his blood sugar up, and I was giving him everything I could think of to bring up the sugar (and would normally send a diabetics blood sugar way up). I was throwing all the normal No-No for diabetics foods at him trying to get it up. At the emergency room he had crackers, a meal, 2 apple juice, cake, and fruit with syrup, and still his blood sugar was only around 70. He was a lot weeker yesterday too and couldn't stand on his own and fell a couple of times. Even with fruit juices, syrup, feeding him a big meal and no insulin at all, we couldn't get his blood sugar over 70 and it would often dip lower. Of course all of this isn't doing his kidney failure any good either :(. He's retaining a lot of water which of course is bad for his heart condition :(.

Hospice is finally coming out this morning and I'll be meeting with them, it's touch and go right now.


01-23-2007, 10:45 AM
Hang in there Tina!:(
