View Full Version : Tools Of The Trade ~ Suggestions!

01-12-2007, 12:51 AM
What can you not live without when you are doing aquarium maintenance? My list is below ~ however ~ I am missing one long sponge on a stick....that Angela told me about and where to get ~ It is in some box:( ~

I wish I could find a bottle brush type thing that curves when I want it to curve and go up into the intake tubes...when I clean...there is one sec I can not get to!

If anyone has any suggestions or better ideas ~ give it up!

Marie~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

Trusty Python...

I hate this thing! It is and always was useless...not to mention it is going bald! I need something better~

This guy I love and wish I had one in all sizes...! Gets every little nook and cranny:)

This brush I use everywhere...It is very sturdy and scrubs well ~

Never wld be without this trusty toothbrush!

01-12-2007, 01:45 AM
These are all for aquarium maintenance right??

I would get rid of the bald guy, keep the one that takes care of every nook an crany. Get a few different sizes an pick the one you like best. The brush is a gimme since ya use it everywhere. It is definately a keeper!

I think the one that can take care of every nook an cranny can replace the toothbrush. No point in havin extra tools ya dont really need! JMO...

01-12-2007, 07:36 AM
The tools I use the most are. A green scrub pad. safty razor with a plactic holder, roll of Viva paper towels, and I have a plastic stick(thing from an old window blinds)..I use the plactic stick with a paper towel if I can't use my finger.I keep a ten foot piece of CAT5 wire fixed to clean hoses out with.

01-12-2007, 08:26 AM
I use the same stuff as Marie. Also have just recently added the algae magnets, I really like them, except they don't do the back wall :(

01-12-2007, 10:18 AM
Speaking of the back wall, how do you clean it?

I have a magnet too. One more thing I would add is the water container for WCs, and an air pump to move water in the container too.

01-12-2007, 10:37 AM
So the magnets do work guys? Honest?

Marie ~ :balloon:

01-12-2007, 11:25 AM
That toothbrush does come in handy. I use all the above plus use a pump to drain my tank way faster than gravity feed before. Was using a big powerhead before to drain. I also have a few big clamps to hold the hose to the tank. I don't care to count how many times I've pulled the hose out of the tank, water everywhere!:p

01-12-2007, 12:12 PM
Marie, Good quality magnets are a god send, just make sure you don't get gravel behind between them

01-12-2007, 12:20 PM
Becareful when putting two sides together. It can snap anything, including your fingers or tank glass if you are not careful. I always try to slide them together when clean the tank glass.

01-12-2007, 12:34 PM
I've yet to find a good long brush (the ones with the 3 ft semi rigid plastic thread that you push/pull through) :( The short ones are great, but can't clean longer hoses

Since I have large, deep & wide tanks.. which are acrylic... I use both the Kent Pro Scrapers (plastic blades instead of ss razor blades) and the Tom's Magical Cleaners which have a nifty swivel cleaning brush attachment. I always get a model longer than the tank is deep so I can reach the back of the tank without almost crawlling inside.

I also use the fiber pads on the plastic stick, the hand held pads, and paper towels.

I was using a Kent pro scraper on my glass 55 (one with a SS razor blade for glass) a week or so back with a pair of mated Angel's tending to a spawn when the female turned and attacked the tool... scared the bejesus out of me cause she came uncomfortably close to the blade.. had all sorts of horrible visions going through my mind. Thinkin I'll use a plastic bladed scraper on glass tanks from now on too..

Graham... what's gravel?? :)


Stillwater Aquatics
01-12-2007, 12:46 PM
Here are some other things, that I use all readily available at your local pet store, just cleaning tools though no W/C tools =) fist is the tube cleaner, then the pad w/handle, assorted pads for glass and acrylic, the two peices bbelow are one of the magnet cleaners(as fishlover said BE CAREFULL with these) and last a typical bottle brush(the wire attached is for easily adding length to it for the long hoses). A steady supply of clean toothbrushes is always good too.:D lol cosmo

01-12-2007, 01:54 PM
Hmmm, I seem to use those red plastic disposable cups from Cosco a lot (to throw things out in from the tank, hold stuff, defrost stuff, mix things before going in the tank). There seems to be at least one beside every tank!

LOL, I've even cut a hole in the bottom of one once when I needed a funnel!

01-13-2007, 04:39 PM
Good thread Marie:)
All of my tools are already listed although my big brush is a different shape and about wore out.
I also use a fingernail cleaning brush.
and an assortment of bucket sizes for filter cleaning, dipping water out of a tank, etc.


Green Country Discus
01-13-2007, 06:25 PM
I agree, good thread Marie ;) . Tools of the trade at Green Country. First, a canister sponge, hand size(it is 5"SL, some would call it 8" LOL) and the work horse of our inside glass cleaning. The bottle brush is used for deeper tanks. Also one of our fill PVC fill nozzles, never falls out..real handy :D . We also use (Angela mostly :) tooth pics, assorted brushes for lift tubes, and of course measuring cups and spoons. For $2.99 have one set for fish only. A good flashlight for monitoring eggs in a tank with meth blue...hard to see if dosed correctly!

01-13-2007, 06:37 PM
I like using a turkey baster. Comes in handy for feeding, blowing around or sucking up detritus, and also starting a syphon on a hose.

01-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Great response guys! I must scamper off to work tho and will read more later ~ Pics too:)

I really wanted cleaning tools ~ so this is great ~ I know I was not specific ~:o

But it's all good:)

Marie ~ :balloon:

01-15-2007, 08:45 PM
I agree, good thread Marie ;) . Tools of the trade at Green Country. First, a canister sponge, hand size(it is 5"SL, some would call it 8" LOL) and the work horse of our inside glass cleaning.

This really interest me guys ~ I like it as it is pretty big! Just go look for a 'canister sponge' ?

I'm goin:) I always get some of the best ideas from you two! Thanks!

Marie :coffee:

Dying for Discus
01-15-2007, 11:19 PM
Hehehe its a tool-ocumentary!!

I can't get the python to fit on my sink. We have a detachable head thingy on ours and so I just use good old fashioned trash can, a mechanical vacuum and a bucket!! Good for keeping my arms in shape, eh? :D

I have the little white wire brush thingy too. I got mine from my emperor filters. And then I have the algae magnets.

Fun times!

01-15-2007, 11:21 PM
You are a trip ...Dying! So the magnets work for you? And it is true that if your fingers get in the middle they can snap them?

I probably wouldn't have any fingers left:o

Marie ~ :coffee:

Dying for Discus
01-15-2007, 11:25 PM
Well...I've noticed with the BIG magnet, it can snap together rather fast and yes, I have have had a little finger skin caught before. But it has snapped on my all-glass aquarium before and its never *cracked* anything. The small ones are harmless.

They only work as much as you can use them. For me, I wipe the sides with it every other day or so and I still see a lot of algae GUNK buildup. So they work as long as you use them...a lot.

I don't understand the algae tho- my nitrates are low and I still somehow have enough organic matter in the water to grow an algae zoo in my tanks!

Answering your previous question tho- I COULDN'T live without my mechanical vacuum. Stick some batteries in, it suctions for you and it has a very powerful vac so it gets everything. :D

01-15-2007, 11:28 PM
Interesting...! I do not have to much algae ~ on one tank I have 64watts so that is the only tank I get some if i leave the lights on too long ~ And I do not have real plants either....yet~

Marie ~ :coffee:

Dying for Discus
01-15-2007, 11:31 PM
I don't think I have the confidence to tackle plants!!! And its true my aquarium probably does have a lot of lighting. I buy those life lights that have the whole spectrum thing going on. When I first got my tank I *thought* I would do the plants...but after one failed attempt- yeck. Discus only for me, for now!! Maybe when I'm done working in a million years.

I saw your other post about the planted 30 gal. I think it would look very cool. Are you just using sand for substrate??

01-16-2007, 03:17 AM
Dying...( what is your real name? That just isn't working for me at this time:( ) I have sand in three of my tanks now....I love it! Of course I am fickle so I change often!

Marie ~ :coffee:

Dying for Discus
01-16-2007, 07:15 PM
Hehehe I never thought of that people would have to call me Dying when I signed this name. I just always say things like, "oh I'm DYING for chocolate...(or any other guilty pleasure) and thought Dying for Discus was kinda snappy.

I'm actually named Melissa, and I'm in Southern Ohio. Soon to be Central Texas. I'm in the Air Force so I will be traveling a LOT in the next year. :D Can't wait!!

You can call me Mel or M or whatever you want tho!! :angel:

Dying for Discus
01-16-2007, 07:16 PM
OH and I'm thinking of changing my substrate too. I'm so sick of white rocks that look brown and discolored.

What's the easiest way to change the substrate??? Do you vacuum it all up and dump it??? Or do you do the entire strip down thing?

01-18-2007, 10:34 PM
Melissa! I do not know why I thought you were a guy:o Good...Melissa works..."dying"...did not ~

Re your gravel ~ I just emptied all mine at once when I had it...but do not do that ~ might upset the balance of your tank ~ Do a little bit every day ~ ~ Or....post this in General Discussion and someone can better assist you:)

Where are you going to be traveling too? I wanna go:(

Marie ~ :coffee:

Dying for Discus
01-18-2007, 10:38 PM
Hehehe! Hopeflly I will be somewhere where there will be more discus!

Seriously though I am going to San Angelo, TX and then probably either Vandemberg, CA or Wright Patt, OH (Dayton). I'm just *thrilled* about selling my current stock and rebuying once I get there...(not really).

I'm pretty pumped too. Lots of new experiences!! :angel:

01-18-2007, 11:38 PM
Hey marie give me back my python..........;p

01-24-2007, 08:55 AM
Hey Marie,
New here and took me awhile to find this again. I really like my magnets. I got the magfloat ones. I leave them in all the time, do the others of you leave yours in or take them out? I had a lot of trouble with algae in my tank and I started trying plants again and that, and the mags have helped a lot!
I also wanted to ask you'all about using the python on all your tanks. I have 4 tanks running at this time, I've always used the python to clean each one. Now things I've read on this forum makes me think I should have each tank its on set of cleaning stuff. Is that what you'all do? Just curious???
Thanks, Joela

01-24-2007, 11:09 AM
Here is what I do in re to each tank having their own set of supplies....I do use the same python for each tank.....I cld never afford for ea tank to have their own....

Having said that ~

You do need to or you should use separate equipment for any fish you have in QT....keep that separate ~

IME ...all my tanks are fine and all wet pets are fine ~ So....know your fish, apply common sense and when in doubt....come to Simply!:)

Marie ~ :coffee:

01-24-2007, 11:12 AM
Hey marie give me back my python..........;p

01-24-2007, 11:12 AM
I am missing one long sponge on a stick....that Angela told me about and where to get ~ It is in some box:( ~

Want me to send you mine? I hate it. Its only been used like twice.. and that was a yr ago cause I really do not like using those lol


01-24-2007, 11:32 AM
I buy a different hose for draining my tanks I buy a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe and a Hose barb at my home supply store. I think they do better the the python. the python works better on gravel they won't suck it out but the pipe on the hose will.

I don't use the magnets anymore, because they are too slow and all they do is scrape the stuff off the glass from there it puts it in the water. Still have to get it out from there. I have found that I can wipe it with vivia paper towels and the stuff will stick to them I can take them out and the stuff is on them..I keep a single sided razor with a plastic holder (think they called them a widget) for those tough to get spots.

01-24-2007, 11:57 AM
Hey Marie,
....I have 4 tanks running at this time, I've always used the python to clean each one. Now things I've read on this forum makes me think I should have each tank its on set of cleaning stuff. Is that what you'all do? Just curious???
Thanks, Joela

Joela, I use one Python hose, but I have different gravel tubes. You can just get the tubes and change them. The tube comes with the 2 ft length of hose, and it just screws onto the other end of the hose that has the on/off valve. After I change the tube, I run hot water thru the hose for a bit, then I go syphon the water out of my next tank. For my QT, though, I use totally separate hose and equipment.


01-25-2007, 11:35 AM
Joela, I use one Python hose, but I have different gravel tubes. You can just get the tubes and change them. The tube comes with the 2 ft length of hose, and it just screws onto the other end of the hose that has the on/off valve. After I change the tube, I run hot water thru the hose for a bit, then I go syphon the water out of my next tank. For my QT, though, I use totally separate hose and equipment.


thanks Connie & Marie, that is what I was wondering, but I use my python to drain and fill and will running hot water thru the python really kill anything that may be in one tank or the other? I don't use it on my QT tank. I have a 72 and a 55 gallon with discus I use it on.

01-25-2007, 11:53 AM
Joela ~ I use my Python to fill and drain as well ~ Sometimes I will run really hot water thru it for 15 min....not sure if it kills anything off but makes me feel better:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

01-25-2007, 09:12 PM
I don't use the magnets anymore, because they are too slow and all they do is scrape the stuff off the glass from there it puts it in the water. Still have to get it out from there. I have found that I can wipe it with vivia paper towels and the stuff will stick to them I can take them out and the stuff is on them..I keep a single sided razor with a plastic holder (think they called them a widget) for those tough to get spots.


But I use Bounty!! The quicker picker upper....:D ;)

Green Country Discus
01-25-2007, 09:50 PM
JMO, buttt, draining with a Python is like watching grass grow. For someone with one 55 and WCs every 2 weeks...nice device :p . We still fill our storage tanks with one...my bad for now LOL.

Try an in line pump to your drain with 3/4" inside diameter hose and WCs will be much faster and less drain on your time. ;) .

01-26-2007, 12:35 AM
JMO, buttt, draining with a Python is like watching grass grow. For someone with one 55 and WCs every 2 weeks...nice device :p . We still fill our storage tanks with one...my bad for now LOL.

Try an in line pump to your drain with 3/4" inside diameter hose and WCs will be much faster and less drain on your time. ;) .

Says the breeder to the domestic one trying to just raise them...:D :D ;)

01-26-2007, 03:43 AM
JMO, buttt, draining with a Python is like watching grass grow. For someone with one 55 and WCs every 2 weeks...nice device :p . We still fill our storage tanks with one...my bad for now LOL.

Try an in line pump to your drain with 3/4" inside diameter hose and WCs will be much faster and less drain on your time. ;) .

I think doing one tank at a time would be like watching grass grow..
I start draining my first tank clean the filters then start the second tank, and then the third tank. After I start tank six tank one is low enough to start filling I do 12 tanks so I have no time to watch them drain. My friends say that if you do not understand what multi-tasking is come watch me do a water change...LOL..My storage tanks takes care of itself. I use float switches on them. It takes me about hour and a half to do them all.

01-26-2007, 04:24 AM
Says the breeder to the domestic one trying to just raise them...:D :D ;)

Ya think?:D :D

Green Country Discus
01-26-2007, 07:27 AM
Says the breeder to the domestic one trying to just raise them...

WCs are a necessary evil! We enjoy them most of the time but anything that makes them faster and easier will help encourage one to maintain water quality properly. Anything to hasten the maintenance allows more time to enjoy....everything ;) says the Hobbiest breeder to the domestic one :D .

01-26-2007, 08:36 AM
anything that makes them faster and easier will help encourage one to maintain water quality properly. says the Hobbiest breeder to the domestic one :D .

Touche' Andrew! This is very true ~ can I just twitch my nose like on Bewitched and the baby tank downstairs will be done? That is why I am up at 4:AM as today is my Monday:p

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_32.gif

Green Country Discus
01-27-2007, 12:31 AM

01-27-2007, 11:08 PM
WCs are a necessary evil! We enjoy them most of the time but anything that makes them faster and easier will help encourage one to maintain water quality properly. Anything to hasten the maintenance allows more time to enjoy....everything ;) says the Hobbiest breeder to the domestic one :D .

I like bonding with em!! :D :D ;)

But I will be settin up a fish room end of this year, an I bet I will be lookin for easier!! :D ;)

Hobbiest breeder??? OK A/A who you guys tryin to fool? I read your new fish room thread ya know!! :D

Dying for Discus
01-27-2007, 11:08 PM
Back to the subject of python...I can't fit a python on my sink!! I have one of those weird sinks where the handle on the faucet is actually a sprayer. Which is kinda nice because I just use a huge tub of water and spray the faucet directly into the tub.

But I did get a new toy this weekend. I finally broke down and bought a pond water pump so I can just stick it into my tub of water and let it pump the water back into the tanks.

Nice. ^^:D

01-27-2007, 11:14 PM
Back to the subject of python...I can't fit a python on my sink!! I have one of those weird sinks where the handle on the faucet is actually a sprayer. Which is kinda nice because I just use a huge tub of water and spray the faucet directly into the tub.

But I did get a new toy this weekend. I finally broke down and bought a pond water pump so I can just stick it into my tub of water and let it pump the water back into the tanks.

Nice. ^^:D

I dunno...I would think HD would have something to adapt a python to your sink no matter what kind it is!

Hey if the pond pump is workin for you then WTG!!!

Dying for Discus
01-27-2007, 11:22 PM
:D I wish they would!! The sprayer is like...really wide and curved. It's one of thos Kohl designer faucets that really looks cool but in practicality is kinda...not good. lol

I've never used a pond pump before. I'm very happy with it.

01-27-2007, 11:27 PM
:D I wish they would!! The sprayer is like...really wide and curved. It's one of thos Kohl designer faucets that really looks cool but in practicality is kinda...not good. lol

I've never used a pond pump before. I'm very happy with it.

Thats it!!!!!!!!!

I am in no way gettin a house built around my Kohler faucet!! ( I am hoping you saw the commercial!) :D

Thats great the pond pump is workin for ya DfD!! GL


01-27-2007, 11:29 PM
Oh by the way Marie...........I just use Bounty!! :D :D ;)

01-28-2007, 04:29 AM
:D I wish they would!! The sprayer is like...really wide and curved. It's one of thos Kohl designer faucets that really looks cool but in practicality is kinda...not good. lol

I've never used a pond pump before. I'm very happy with it.

Can you unscrew the sprayer thingy? If so you can get a rubber adapter with a metal clamp that hold to the faucet and a metal clamp that holds the python to the rubber adapter.

01-28-2007, 10:15 AM
Oh by the way Marie...........I just use Bounty!! :D :D ;)

But Mark doesnt' that break up in the tank?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

01-28-2007, 04:01 PM

01-28-2007, 08:54 PM
Hmm i really dont have any wonderful tools of the trade. Basically, I have some spare canister filter parts (clamps mostly), buckets, tubing, and a siphon thingie for my tank. Since my husband is the overall fish junkie...he has loads of stuff everywhere. He told me once "Don't EVER throw out aquarium stuff. You never know what youll need one day." and that's pretty acurate. (yeah he caught me rifling through his stuff one afternoon of cleaning) He actually keeps old filters that might not work anymore, or not very well and if he needs a spare part, off he goes, to the aquarium junk pile and 9 times out of 10, he'll have something to fix whatever problem he encountered.

We have buckets of gravel, buckets of rocks and other assorted decor, hoses, air tubing, air stones, spare heaters....etc. We have bottles of water conditioners, aquarium salt, carbon, ammonia chips...all under the kitchen sink. That's usually where we "work". He has the faucet attachment and has also put some contraption behind our washer/dryer connectors to make water changes easier. I dont know what it is, I leave dr frankenstein alone when he's in that mode.

I really like the mag floats as well. Before those, I would have to get the ol' sponge on a stick, as marie calls it, but to me, it was more of a pain in the rearend to use and I dont like stressing out the discus with something like that.

01-29-2007, 06:27 PM
I use a medicine dropper I got free from Wal-Mart to measure out the Prime. It has ml. marked along the side which makes it sooo easy. Martha

Dying for Discus
01-31-2007, 01:59 AM
I like my big mag float too.

I like my BNs even better though. They're doing a bangup job of cleaning!! Especially the malaysian driftwood.

I wish my man would be a fish junkie!! That would be paradise. :D