View Full Version : OMG! I'm still shaking!

01-13-2007, 08:33 PM
I was sitting here replying to a post when I just felt that something wasn't right. I looked up over by the bookshelf where my daughters were sitting on the floor reading books when I watched the backing crack vertically then watched (I was in motion at this point) as the entire top half of the book shelf (loaded with heavy books and tons of movies) fell over on top of Megans HEAD. Crista was off to the side from where it fell.

You guys ever see Garfield the movie? Thats what I thought of as the top of that thing fell on my baby!

Scared the S*** out of me.

The girls are ok. A bit shaken. Crista was very upset because her "Puppy and horsey" were under there. She screamed "MY PUPPY AND HORSEY!" the whole time I was looking them over! That was all she was worried about! That girl! lol

The mess:




Stillwater Aquatics
01-13-2007, 09:15 PM
Whatta freaky incident. Glad to hear everyones OK! How are the Puppy an Horsey doing?

Nice Pic's ;)

01-14-2007, 06:40 AM
Glad everyones ok!


01-14-2007, 08:16 AM
Jon.. lol the horsey wasn't even IN there, she was in the playroom lol and the puppy survived! lol Thanks :D

Thanks Ardan It was pretty scary.

Now its time to get a new bookshelf!! :P

01-14-2007, 03:32 PM
Maybe make a solid wood one this time? I've had one particle board unit split, but not any of the real wood ones. So glad the girls are OK. Not to mention Horsey and Puppy!! Lol

01-14-2007, 09:44 PM
Oh man! Glad Crista wasnt hurt!!

Has hubby started savin bail money yet? She will be 16 before ya know it!!! By the looks of things he will need it!! :D ;)

Sorry couldn't resist. Thats my son in laws sayin bout our grandkids...:)