View Full Version : Lost one of my guys....

01-13-2007, 11:21 PM
Well, yesterday morning, I noticed my last discus I bought in Sept. (red turq) wasnt looking too good. I've had suspicions about this poor guy for a few months. He was hiding all the time, didn't really come out and eat, but he would pick along the bottom, from what I could see and wasnt social at all.

Yesterday he just looked pathetic and thin and I knew he was going down. I have no tanks right now to quarentine (my hubby took the former quarentine tank and has fry in it) so I had no choice but to leave him in the tank. None of the other discus have bothered with this little guy. My other red turq was near him, almost like guarding him. But when I got home last night, he had died.

The other 6 discus are still doing great. Look good, eat very well...so I dont know what happened to this last guy. This is the first discus I lost, even though I havent been keeping discus for long...it still made me real sad.

I hardly think it was parasites or a disease, since the other fish are doing so well.

Anything else that might have caused his death?

Barb Newell
01-14-2007, 12:35 AM
Hi, sorry about the loss of your fish. It hurts to lose them :(.

Sounds like he may have had hex.


01-14-2007, 08:10 AM
I am sorry you lost him :(

01-14-2007, 01:14 PM
Ill have to research...what is Hex? Is it something contagious in the water? Like I said...all the other fish, incl. corys, rasboras, guppies...are all fine.

01-14-2007, 01:32 PM
Ill have to research...what is Hex? Is it something contagious in the water? Like I said...all the other fish, incl. corys, rasboras, guppies...are all fine.

It's Hexamita - and you can read up on it in the simply library here:

