View Full Version : feeding sandwich to your discus

01-25-2007, 11:01 AM
I was reading this monthe TFH and Jack Wately said that you should feed your fish as follow:

1. A small amount of flake or pellets food,
2. High protien food such as BH or BW
3. Another small amount of flake or pellets food.

The idea is to feed them a sandwich so the high protien food will not pass through the fish quickly, giving them more time to extract nutrition from it.

I think I'm going to try it when feeding my discus high protien food. Does it make sense to you?

01-25-2007, 03:23 PM
i thought you meant a literal sammich! so basically just drop the next after they've eaten the first bit?

01-25-2007, 04:04 PM
I doubt that there's any scientific basis to that, at all. A fish is capable of digesting foods/proteins/fats/carbs at a certain rate, depending on the fish species and water temps.

Natural foods like worms break down very easily and produce very little waste...everything is utilized. Most are not high protein...just check the package of Hakari BW ....they're 6%

Flake and pellets foods have binders like wheat and corn that are much harder to digest and breakdown, if at all, so they may take longer to pass through the digestive system.............

The fish is only capable of absorbing so much protien...after that it ends up in the crap on the bottom producing NH3

01-25-2007, 06:02 PM
just for clarification, Hikari BW's are 6% protein total weight. remove the moisture (89%) they are 55% protein dry weight.

(dry weight method is prefered as a measure of protein content comparison as some people will compare frozen food to say flakes or granules, which list protein content in dry weight; they average around 45% on the label and this is often misinterpreted as flakes/granules being a better protein source than frozen)