View Full Version : WOW...Great Article in TFH magazine

01-26-2007, 04:44 PM
If you do not have a subscription to Tropical Fish Hobbyist you need to get to the bookstore!!!

Great article in this month's edition along with Jack Whatleys regular column.

Outstanding cover photo:thumbsup:


01-26-2007, 05:01 PM
sorry, but I though the cover photo left a lot to be desired . Especially for a mgazine like TFH that is in touch with so many discus enthusiats.


Blue Ram
01-26-2007, 05:04 PM
What month are you referring to. I would like to order a copy. Thanks,

01-26-2007, 05:17 PM
March 2007

01-26-2007, 05:44 PM
isnt that magazine available to view online now? one of them is..

01-27-2007, 12:45 AM
I agree, Roberto. When I saw the cover, I thought that they could at least get a good cover photo.

As far as the article, the facts stated about capillaria have been discussed by Jack repeatedly. There was nothing new there, nor anything new about his garlic cure. I hope that those new to this method, as well as though who have known about it, noted that positive resullts require the use of fre garlic, that powdered garlic as well as garlic oil in capsules will do no good. This is because of the allicin is ineffective after a very short time.

One thing that I also picked up on is that Jack stated capillaria can be passed on by feeding live worms. Now, I believe this to be true in the case of CBW's, but Jack himself stated many times that earthworms were incapable of passing on parasites to fish since earthworms were terrestial, but the accompanying photo shows 2 discus about to consume what appears to be a common garden earthworm.


01-27-2007, 09:31 AM
I believe that earthworms (and all live food) can pass worms like capillaria on fish. It makes perfect sense to me from a biological point of view.

There are many species of capillaria that use earthworms as a host and then are passed on to Birds... There are species of nematodes that vertebrates like dogs get from eating fish infected with worms... EarthWorms are present in the perfect location to be used as a cross over host...the damp soil near waters edges where mammals and birds are found...and their feces is perfect for earthworms to pickup capillaria eggs. That and many Birds eat fish and earthworms.. and then defecate over the water or in the water. It seems a likely set of circumstances for a biological relationship...or at least the potential for cross over in artificial conditions like fish tanks.


01-27-2007, 09:34 AM
I am very curious as to why you are not impressed by the cover? I am a discus newbie and for me as soon as I saw the photo it drew me to article first thing. The photo was well done and the fish, to me at least, was beautiful.

Help me learn why this fish is not impressive to the vetern discus keepers.

Thanks, Ken

01-27-2007, 01:59 PM

Look at the discus in the back with the big D above the eye. Notice how clean it looks compared to the fish in front. The front fish has entirely too much soot or pepper its face and upper body. This would have been a good fish 10-12 years ago, but todays red discus are far more clean than this one. The blue behind the pectoral fin is also not desirable on today's fish as well. On the plus side, it has a decent eye and shape as well as decent finnage, IMO.


Good points. Then, saying all that you said, that then would place CBW's in the same arena as the earthworms as carriers of capillaria, right? ;)


01-27-2007, 04:14 PM
One thing I picked up from Jacks point was that fresh galic should be used and after frozen, it loss the effectiveness. That almost make adding galic into BH mix useless since it has to be frozen for later use. I wonder if anyone noticed that?

I think Jack is getting too old these days to stay on top of things. His last few advises were not something you call the best IMHO. No disrespect intended.

I agree they should use a better picture of the discus. The one inside also have some peppering problem too. I saw much better pictures here than the few used in the mag.

I got about last 10 months or so TFH mag at home. If someone wants them, I can sent to him/her for a small cost.

01-27-2007, 06:05 PM
Some of us haven't had the chance to read the article in question, so I'd be curious to know what the "not the best" advice that Jack gave was?
As for the garlic in the BH, people have been ignoring the fact that it doesn't work unless fresh garlic is used at each feeding for quite some time. Tho IME it does make some meds more palatable to the fish when used in medicated BH.


01-27-2007, 08:34 PM


These two links (as posted here many times) will explain why fresh garlic must be used to be effective as an antiparasitic. As far as JW being too old to stay on top of everything, don't be fooled into that line of thinking. He has many projects in the fire, flying all over the world tending to discus "stuff".


01-27-2007, 08:49 PM


Good points. Then, saying all that you said, that then would place CBW's in the same arena as the earthworms as carriers of capillaria, right? ;)

Mat That depends....do you feed earthworms or red wigglers?;):D:D:D


ps... being a potential carrier and actually being an efficient carrier are something to discuss.....:bandana: Incidental hosts abound in nature as well as specific hosts:antlers:

01-28-2007, 01:55 AM

I feed neither (altjough I have fed earthworms on occassion years ago), but have been considering red wigglers for a few years now but never got around to it. What would be the difference as far as transmitting a parasite?


01-28-2007, 04:54 AM
One thing I picked up from Jacks point was that fresh galic should be used and after frozen, it loss the effectiveness. That almost make adding galic into BH mix useless since it has to be frozen for later use. I wonder if anyone noticed that?

I use garlic more as a food preservative! I agree that it's probably useless for the fish as a medication but more to keep the food preserved rather as my self made mixes could last a month or longer.