View Full Version : OK, Mike, Marie, who want's BN Plecos?

01-31-2007, 05:50 PM
And what type, regular or longfin? LOL. I've got mostly brown and the majority are longfin, but I did see an albino regular fin baby and a few longfin albinos (may keep those to put in my big tank). They look like they are around 3/4-1" now. I'm suspecting the mom to a lot of these is my chocolate brown longfin.

(this morning I saw my albino longfin female in the cave with the daddy, so I may have more albinos later, jeez, when does this male BN take time to eat?! I do have another longfin male in there, but he doesn't seem to see any action.)


01-31-2007, 05:57 PM
Central CA.. that's like L.A. right?? :D

Wish you were closer I'd love to buy some off of you..

01-31-2007, 06:07 PM
LOL, no, I'm in Sacramento. I've never shipped before, but I do have a small styrofoam box. I may ship to other areas of California.


01-31-2007, 08:42 PM
I got your message! I called you just a bit ago in my car on the way home:) I want some ~ The question is how and when? My schedule is pretty tight....:( I am home ~

Shld I QT those Tina?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

02-01-2007, 03:47 PM
Well, I'm all for the mantra, quarantine, quarantine, quarantine and also don't want them to be a snack to that goby until they are bigger :)

Being homebred though I think they should be fine. I'm waiting for them to be a little bigger before I put a few in with that monster intake of my FX5 on my big tank :)


White Worm
02-01-2007, 04:09 PM
I think I will need 5, I have the 85 with no cleaners and I'm getting tired of the brown algae. 2 in there, 1 in the breeder tank 29g and I'm setting up planted only tank with cards (no discus until I get the planted thing under control). 2 will go in there when its ready. I will also be getting some sterbai soon as my other cleaner partners. Longfin browns are fine with me. How many do you think I would need. The planted tank will be 72g Bow.

02-01-2007, 05:19 PM
Hey, about time you see this Mike! LOL

I think you'll need more than 5 in the beginning since these guys are so small (but doesn't take long for them to grow) I'd think more like 10 and then it may take a couple of months for them to get up to a size where things are really happening :).


02-01-2007, 05:21 PM
They seem to clean more when they are smaller, at least I found with mine. They were little whirling machines when they were tiny. I've got 3 in my 90 gallon, 2 in my 55 and only 1 in my 65.

02-01-2007, 05:41 PM
Too far to ship to me ;) but to try and help Mike with quantities I've got 4 adult BN's and 6 strerbai's in my 100 US Gallon tank and around 6 in my 80 (approx) US Gallon planted tank.

White Worm
02-01-2007, 06:15 PM
OK, 10 little suckers should be fine. I shall go 4 (85g) 4 (72g) and 2 (29g). What else do they eat other than the tank algae? Wafers and regular fish food I would assume?
Sorry Tina, have been working alot lately. Havent been on Simply much :(

02-01-2007, 06:47 PM
I hear ya Mike, I'm trying to bank some time at work so I don't get docked, get home and do my water changes, then crash, spend the weekends or any free time I've got with my dad.

I'd suggest putting them in a 20 gallon until they get a little bigger. I've been feeding them algae waffers, hikari sinking wafers, seaweed (I guess like Nori they really love it, but I don't feed it everyday), sweet potato, cucumber or other veggies and sinking pellet food. They also have wood in their tank and I've got a tank outside with some wood getting algae on it to swap out (except dad is doing his thing in that one piece of wood and I can no longer swap it out!). They may need to be acclimated in another tank since I don't have them yet at discus temps, but a little lower.


White Worm
02-01-2007, 11:05 PM
I shall house them in my extra 35g corner tank and let them grow a little and QT just to be safe. Its empty and dry right now so it should be perfect for the little suckers :D Is sand substrate bad for plecos or sterbai? I have heard that it wears on their little undersides.

02-02-2007, 01:43 AM
I don't know about sand. I hope not I have sand in my big tank (has sterbai in it). My bn's are in a bb tank, good thing too with how much vacuuming I have to do after them!


02-02-2007, 04:34 PM
Hey does SoCal. fit under your shipping criteria?

02-02-2007, 10:19 PM
I can try shipping to southern Cal. but I've never shipped before and don't have heat packs. I do have a styrofoam container though.


02-11-2007, 11:25 AM
Let me know soon since these are getting bigger and I need to thin them out of the tank.


02-11-2007, 11:42 AM
Hey Woman ~ I think I will need to pass on this one:( Thank you!

02-15-2007, 02:55 AM
Let me know soon since these are getting bigger and I need to thin them out of the tank.


I want about 8-10 bn plecos in my 2 fish tanks, but I live in Seattle, Washington. Any chance you ship them?

02-15-2007, 10:16 AM
I've never shipped fish before but do have a styrofoam container (that is unless my dh did something to them). If someone wants to talk me through the shipping process. Also, I've been having to be at my Dad's side at a moments notice lately (sorry Mike about yesterday but it was an emergency :().


02-15-2007, 02:24 PM
I've never shipped fish before but do have a styrofoam container (that is unless my dh did something to them). If someone wants to talk me through the shipping process. Also, I've been having to be at my Dad's side at a moments notice lately (sorry Mike about yesterday but it was an emergency :().


I am really interest to get some. Let me know how many you have and you're willing to ship to Seattle, Washington. I will pay for the shipping cost.

Here is my shipping version, members correct me if I am wrong.
You can ship these buy USP Priority (2 days) and would be around $6-$10.

1) get USP priority square box ~ 6-8" from the postal office
2) stack 5-6 good clear plastic bags together (inside one another) to make it strong and prevent water bust
3) place the bag in the Styrofoam container
4) fill the insider bag with your tank water
5) place the fishes in the bag
6) put some fish food in the bag
7) add air from your bubble air hose pump
8) tight the bag shut and secure with several rubber bands
9) optional - add heat pad outside the Styrofoam container bottom
10) to prevent bouncing, fill the any gap in the box with scrappy paper or peanut before close the box.
11) mark "Fragile" and "this side up on box"
12) bring to the postal office and ship.

02-15-2007, 02:48 PM
Hmm, probably wouldn't want to put food in the bag because I don't want to get an ammonia spike. I haven't any bag buddies, but wondering what would be good to put in the bag too, Amiquel? Would not having a heat pack be OK?


02-15-2007, 03:33 PM
Hmm, probably wouldn't want to put food in the bag because I don't want to get an ammonia spike. I haven't any bag buddies, but wondering what would be good to put in the bag too, Amiquel? Would not having a heat pack be OK?


Tina, I have Seachem's Stress Guard, which is supposed to be good to put in shipping bags. It detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, etc., and is also antiseptic to treat fins, etc. They specifically mention using it to treat the effects of shipping.

02-15-2007, 03:44 PM
I guess before there are any misunderstandings and looking again at my original post I notice that didn't make it too clear that these guys are for sale or trade (especially since I didn't post a price).

I'm just posting this now to avoid any hurt feelings. Been looking online for what a fair price would be for longfins and shortfins. I sold one longfin to someone I knew for $10 each, the shortfins will go for much less, perhaps $3 each? Of course group discounts apply ;)


02-15-2007, 05:57 PM
I am getting some after all ~ ...........and a new ..............??

02-15-2007, 06:00 PM
Yes Marie,

Going home to net them now. Be ready for me to knock on your door, LOL!


02-15-2007, 06:19 PM
You should purge them before you ship them. We fill a 1 gallon jug up the night before with room tempeture water. add 15 drops of stress coat and 2 tablespoons os aquarium salt. this help them during the shipping process. I would not mark anything on the boxes. you should try shipping th areas close to you to start. make sure if you add heatpack to tape it to the lid and make sure it is not touching the bags. thanks gary