View Full Version : Not for the squeamish Autopsy pics with ?'s

02-03-2007, 12:18 PM
I lost this fish awhile back and I'm not certain why.... So if any of you care to shed a little light on the cause through the pics.... by all means go right ahead.......

I just have a guess....

here's a few pics..... ;)

02-03-2007, 12:20 PM
A 2nd fish and Autopsy.....

the rest of the pics to follow.

02-03-2007, 12:21 PM
the rest of the pics....

02-03-2007, 02:49 PM
In the 1st set of pics the red thing use to be it liver/hepatopancreas with the tan thing running through it being the gut....as to what might be wrong not sure...it doesn't look too bad for a dead fish.

The second set pf pics, that looks like a tumor.........the orange thing behind it that got squished out of the way was probably the liver. The kidneys would have been right up either beside or on top of the swim bladder.

02-04-2007, 09:52 AM
That is it Graham? umm...I don't think so;) You would be the only one to know IMO and help Beth out... lol! No Idea?

Beth I am sorry about this fish:(

Marie ~ :balloon:

Dying for Discus
02-05-2007, 08:31 PM
Oh this is really neat...I was a biomed major for quite a while so this is my interest area!! I hated it in college though...but you can't blame me. We had to do a cat and then sit through a human autopsy. YECH.

A few things-

1.) Can you get a hold of the book "Discus Health" by Dieter Untergasser?? It has a WHOLE section on discus autopsy.

2.) Do you have any access to a microscope?? local university maybe?? If so you can take really good slides quite easily with a scalpel and glass.

Graham & Mrs. Tony- can you locate the stomach? The only reason is that the black tissue in the third set of pics looks necrotic to me. Was that long black strand attached to the stomach? If so can you trace it back to the stomach?

If that long black strand was a part of the intestine and stomach you can slice it open at the red tissue very carefully, take a thin prep of the wall and look at it at about 50x to 100X. Is there blood in between the whitish tissue???

The swim bladder should be silvery too. If its red then that wasn't good either. The kidney should be smooth. Did you notice granules on it?? Was it at all brown or black? Also can you take a swab by pinching a tiny bit from it (use about 200X)??

Too bad you lost them. :( They were really pretty. I guess here is where "death rejoices to teach the living". I think I heard that on CSI or something...lol

Let us know!! :D

02-07-2007, 12:17 AM
Ahhhhhh...."Dying for..." now I understand!

I have some dead angelfish pics for ya! Never could figure it out.

But seriously, you had some excellent diagnostic questions. Takes me back to my "pre-vet" days! Hope this DDSI gets solved!!!

02-08-2007, 09:57 AM
I'm not very experienced with this kinda stuff, but to me the size, shape, and colour of the livers do not look "normal"

Did you and Tony have a C.S.I. Discus night?:p

Dying for Discus
02-11-2007, 04:44 PM
LoL...we should have a CSI Discus night. And then Gray's Anatomy Discus.

Ms. Tony- did we ever answer any of those questions?? Did you take any more??