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View Full Version : Back after a long hiatus.

02-05-2007, 12:59 AM
I used to be a fairly big discus enthusiast, having purchased quite a few through Jeff over at Discusfarm.us

After a stint in the Army as a combat medic I'm back, just picked up a 7 foot by 24 deep by 32 high tank and plan on making a planted tank and putting a limited amount (maybe 8-10) discus in there along with some others.

Anyway, I'm rusty on things, I had a breeding pair towards the end of things last time and I still have a lot of left over equipment (R/O systems, pumps, ect.) from my last excursion...

I'm basically looking to catch up on things before I actually buy the fish and find a decent wild provider out in Southern California, if there are any.

Any information people could relate on discus in PLANTED tanks that would not be considered novice knowledge (I'd like to think I'm at least intermediate in my discus care expertise) would be appreciated...

I don't know if I posted under this screen name or Moon before...some of you may remember me, but I doubt it.



02-05-2007, 03:00 AM
Hey Welcome back to Discus Jason. Ive only been here a year and a half, but i remember a moon either on here or on SimplyCichlids. May have been you, but i cant recall. Either way, good luck with your new tank. Sounds like a great venture. How many gallons is that tank? I have a low tech planted 90g tank with discus, and a 125g low tech planted tank. (no Co2 in either). The only advice i would give is get the tank up and running with your plants and everything before adding the discus. As far as discus supplies in Socal, International Discus is a GREAT place to buy. Kenny is on here all the time, just drop him a line. He has awesome fish.:)

02-05-2007, 04:21 AM
As far as discus supplies in Socal, International Discus is a GREAT place to buy.

FYI, Daly City is just south of San Francisco; it's not in SoCal. :)

02-05-2007, 04:28 AM
Guess my geography of Cali is not the greatest. But to me the drive to Daly
would be very worth it. Heck, ive considered driving there myself from way up here....

02-05-2007, 08:42 AM
Welcome back and good luck

02-05-2007, 08:59 AM
Hi Jason,
Welcome back! What was your old user name?


02-05-2007, 09:11 AM
Hi Jason,
Welcome back! What was your old user name?


I'm pretty sure is was Moon but I can't be sure, it was a long time ago and A LOT has happened in my life since being in the Army. My mind's not as sharp as it used to be hehe.

I did post on Simply Cichlids a lot as well, I specialized in caring for altum angelfish, breeding discus and planted tanks with dwarf cichlids (mainly breeding apistogramma panduro)....

If anyone has some links to planted tank sites and South American dwarf cichlid sites I'd appreciate it as I'm way out of the loop.

I remembered this site as being one of the best I've ever visited for passionate hobbyists who really know what they're talking about, it actually got me started on the road to all my other aquarium ventures.

I'm not sure how many gallons the tank is, I had it custom made through Clear For Life with some of my severence pay.

I plan on trying to recreate a natural biotype in which the only real chores I have to take care of are minimal feedings, water changes and MAYBE adding some fertilization for the plants.

In the past I've had a tank where the apistogramma were breeding so often that I literally had to do nothing but change the water once a week at 30%, the fry became a natural food source along with reproducing cherry and ghost shrimp...it was nice.

I don't expect quite as much simplicity with the discus in the tank, though. But I hope to get somewhere close to there. I've found that while a lot of people say discus are incredibly sensitive and delicate, they can be pretty hearty fish once they become acclimated to their environments...and a heavily planted co2 supplemented tank offers a lot along the lines of biological filtration to help with keeping conditions optimal.

Anyway, any sites that relate to planted tanks, South American dwarf cichlids, discus and affordable fresh water plants, co2 injection equipment ect. would be appreciated.

Maybe Jeff will remember what my old screen name was, if he even remembers me...I bought quite a few discus through him. =)

02-05-2007, 09:44 AM
Hi Jason,
I remember you...
I also think I found you...M0oN (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/member.php?u=7040)



02-05-2007, 09:54 AM
Hi Jason,
I remember you...
I also think I found you...M0oN (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/member.php?u=7040)



Yep, that would be me =)

Can't say I'm much of the same person these days hehe, but I still love the hobby =)

02-07-2007, 01:26 AM
Hey, welcome back to simply discus and this great hobby. I am sure that you will become just as addicted to discus as the rest of us. I mean that in a good way.
