View Full Version : green water

02-05-2007, 02:55 AM
In my 20g fry tank, i just started using an eheim auto feeder 4 days ago. In the last 2 days, my water has gone green, even with wc twice a day at 50% each time. I tested the water and there are 0 nitrites , nitrates, ammonia
, ph is about 6.5, very low gh and kh ( 2 drops each). This is pretty much my
usual water parameters. But on advice on someone i measured phosphates, and they measured 1.0, which i understand is quite high. Is it these phosphates that are changing my water green? And is this from overfeeding with the auto feeder?? I have been leaving my tank light on alot, sometimes 24hours. This is a bb tank, and ive been rinsing the sponge filter daily. Should i add something to remove the phosphates or just cut down on the feedings and turn the light off and keep up the wc's?

02-05-2007, 11:49 AM
green water is usually a type of algae. the more water changes you do, the MORE algae you will get. there are a few things you can do to get rid of the algae and get your water back crystal clear.
You can do a black out of the tank for 4 days. This means taking black garbage bags and wrapping them around your tank, filter sytem and making sure there are no leaks of light. NO PEAKING for the full 4 days.

OR: you can use a product called Algae Destroyer. One dose will clear the water.

Green water algae is caused by too much nutrients in the water, usually seen by over fertilizing when you have a planted tank. Light will effect it. The discus dont need lights on to be healthy. THey are just for your enjoyment. I would keep lights to an 8 hour a day regime.


02-05-2007, 12:14 PM
Your light could be to bright and leaving it on 24 hrs could be causing the problem. Put a different light on the tank or take the light off and keep a light on in the room your tank is in. Keep up with the wc's because your fry need it right now along with food.