View Full Version : GPH

02-05-2007, 09:34 PM
Hello, hope evberyone is doing well. I have been a member for sometime and just started getting active . sorry for the delay. I am pondering a carbon block filter and wondering at what GPH or water flow do you use to maximize absorption in a carbon block? I have never did this before ,but I would like to clean my water as much as possible. I have not (as of now) do not need a RO yet.I get good fertilization and hatch rates.(knock on wood) Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

02-06-2007, 05:27 PM
Hi I think that you'll find that most discus hobbyists do not use Activated Carbon. There is the possibilty of it removing trace elements............Most only use it when they are removing chems or meds..

The flow rate isn't all that critical , but you want you tank turning over at least 5 times per hour through you filters


02-06-2007, 05:37 PM
Hi MOik,
Do you mean a single pass carbon block that your home water supply runs thru before you add the water to your tank?

or carbon in a filter on a tank?


02-06-2007, 05:45 PM
Very sorry to confuse you. I am talking about the coconut shell carbon blocks that you use for removing chlorine and all of the other nasties out of your water for a WC. The type that are in a 10 inch filter housing. I have seen a three stage filter that consist of a 10mic, sed filter and 5mic coconut carbon and 1mic coconut carbon, all in a row and used at the same time. Please give me your personal advice about this filter, not to forget GPH. Sorry for the confusion

02-06-2007, 05:54 PM
Thats what I thought you might have meant:)..

I don't personally use these so I will let others that do help you out... I'll point RandalB this way...as hes a water master:)

Generally a single pass carbon block is a perfectly good addition and will not remove desireable minerals.

I do use one on my RO unit after a prefilter.

Do you have municipal water?


02-06-2007, 06:20 PM
What do you need the filter for? Removing chlorine? Heavy Metals? Organics?


02-06-2007, 07:26 PM
Thanks for the help . Brew ,yes I have Munic. water. As time goes by I find more and differrent things going on with the water like - I fill my water storage barrels up , the water is clear with small CO2 bubbles in it. The next day I look at my water and has a milky fog to it, a day or two it goes away. I was always looking for something to take the chlorine and heavy metals out besides a de-chlor syrp. It seems lately (for the last 6-9 months) there has been atleast 2 dozen water line breaks in my area that affect me(no BS). My water was real good for the last couple of years. No problems and the fish were healthy and breeding. I am just trying to get rid of as much garbage in my water as possible, with out a dechlor-syrp. I mentioned this 3 stage water filter in the previuos post, what are your opinions on it? Please do not forget GPH .Thanks again

02-07-2007, 09:10 PM