View Full Version : "Aged Water"

Blue Ram
02-06-2007, 02:16 PM
Can someone pls clarify exactly what "aged water" is and what process is involved to age it? The water change routine I have used consistently for the past couple of years is to get my new water (regular tap water ph of 7.6 to 7.8) ready the day before by placing it in buckets, placing a heater in it, treating the water with Seachem's Prime and leaving it sit overnight. This is the process I have used for the past month on my new discus tank.

Also, a couple of threads have indicated that lots of water changes not using "aged water" can be detrimental? Why is that?

Should more precautions be taken when changing water for discus than my routine outlined above?? I am typically changing between 10-15 gal each change.

One of the reasons I'm concerned about water changes is that I did a change on Sunday approx. 10 gal out of a 46 gal tank and added a second dose of PraziPro (first dose 5 days prior - no adverse affects on fish). PraziPro indicated a second dose could be done after 5 days. The fish do not seem to be taking the second dose very well - hiding and very skittish. Did a water change last night and am considering doing another one tonight.

02-07-2007, 06:51 AM
aged water= water in a barrel with an airstone or pump for agitation and a heater. this "stabalizes the ph" by getting CO2 out of the water. It also gets chlorine out.

You can check your ph. if it is stable it does not need to be aged.
to check ph = test ph, then let sit in a bucket with an airstone over night, if it changes then it should be aged for water changes. If it is stable and doesn't change, then no need to age. just use dechlor or prime (if chloramine).

If there is a ph change and you don't age, it could affect the fish, like loosing a lot of slime coat, getting ph burns, stress (which leads to opportunity for pathogens) .

I think you are changing 30% water, I would do that now since fish are not tolerating med well, also would do this at least every other day. How many fish in this tank?