View Full Version : Tefe RSG with a possible worm problem

02-11-2007, 07:49 PM
My newly arrived VF Tefe RSG is on their fourth day of treatment with PraziPro. Since yesterday one of them are having problem with getting rid of what seams to be a dead worm. The question is what this worm can be.

The colouration of the fish is ok, but the discus is not eating.

Tonight I could see that the worm has fungus on it. How long should I wait before I try to help the discus with getting it out?


02-11-2007, 09:53 PM
I don't know how long or if you should try to help it out. I'm just wondering if you've tried putting epsom salt in your tank? That is very good to aid the passing of worms. 2 tbsp. per 10 gals. Its usually a very good idea when treating for worms to use epsom salt along with the meds.

02-11-2007, 09:59 PM
I agree with Connie about the Epsom salt, even though I am fully aware that you already have this knowledge, I think giving it an Epsom salt dip for 1/2 hour or so may just do the trick.

02-11-2007, 11:27 PM
WOW! That doesn't look like any of the pics of worms I've ever seen. Hopefully someone will recognize the condition and know how to deal with it.


02-12-2007, 07:18 AM
i agree with kacey, doesnt look like a worm...looks more like a growth of some kind. interesting...

if that thing (whatever it is) is blocking its anus, i would only wait a day or so before i tried to remove it with tweezers or similar. yoda, would it be possible to get another picture of it from a side view?

02-12-2007, 10:01 AM
Holy smokes! There was no pic when I posted yesterday. Seeing that pic today, that does NOT look like any sort of worm. Maybe protruding intestine... I recall a thread several months back about that happening to someone's discus. Maybe someone will recall it... Can you post more pics as Timbo requested?

02-12-2007, 12:37 PM
Need a side view to be sure.....most likely a prolapsed rectum/anus or (possibly but not probably enlarged/infected breeding tube, looks to large tho,)

02-12-2007, 03:54 PM
That was my first thought, an infected breeding tube. If it were mine, I'd think about treating it with kanamycin and methylin blue. I've never used it but have read that asprin can be used in aquariums to reduce swelling. Might be worth looking into.


02-12-2007, 04:41 PM
Need a side view to be sure.....most likely a prolapsed rectum/anus or (possibly but not probably enlarged/infected breeding tube, looks to large tho,)

Need a side view to be sure.....most likely a prolapsed rectum/anus or (possibly but not probably enlarged/infected breeding tube, looks to large tho,)

I don’t think this discus is possible to save. Its condition has gone worse and I am pretty sure that this is going only one way. My best guess was prolapsed anus but I had to be sure.

It’s sad because this is a youngster with fine proportions and it is very difficult to purchase VF discus in Tromsø. We had them imported from Germany. In our first attempt we had 10 DOA and 2 alive. This time 1 DOA and 9 alive and now we are loosing one more.

Keeping discus is a extreme sport J

Thanks for your help