View Full Version : HURT DISCUS- PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

02-14-2007, 11:34 PM
Hi everyone, i recently purchased five discus three weeks ago for my 55 gal tank, they are absolutely wonderful. When i first got them they all got along pretty well, and then i saw a white mark that looked like a scratch on the head of one of the fish, it went away after a couple of days so i thought nothing of it. but recently the same fish, i think he might be the biggest one, they pretty much are all the same size so its hard to tell(3 in) anyway, the same one now has white marks on the sides of his body and another fish has the same thing on her body as well. its not a big mark, but it has me worried bc i see the fish hitting each other a lot with their heads and raming into each other, now i dont know if thats how they play or they are really fighting, but it doesnt look pretty. Also, one of my fish has not eaten a thing(blue diamond) for about a week in a half and i have no idea how its still alive. so if anybody has any advice about the white marks, the fighting and how to get this one guy to eat, it will be greatlly appreciated, thanks so much and have a great day.

02-14-2007, 11:44 PM
The odds are they are setting up a pecking order....the marks are basically nothing.............. don't go dumping meds in

Fish including discus can go forweeks and weeks without food. Since these guys are new I wouldn't worry about it. Good water and quality food should bring them all around

02-14-2007, 11:45 PM
Can you maybe get a picture of the marks? It would be easier if you could do that for diagnosis. The one not eating, is it the one being picked on? I've been told they can go weeks without eating but don't know if that would be in your case if he is the one picked.

Mine get marks on their bodies sometimes from dashing across the tank, grazing the heater. Lots of water changes and keeping the tank clean will help yours if that is the case.

Someone more experienced will be able to help you. Try and get a pic if you could as I'm sure, that will help.

Good luck, hopefully it is not something too serious.:)

*oops, see? Graham beat me to it.