View Full Version : I am looking for discus at mexican border

David Urban
02-16-2007, 07:43 PM
Hello I want to buy some nice discus but it is very difficult to buy them in Mexico, so Somebody can sell me at the border and I wil pay before pick them
David Urban

Desert Diamond Discus
02-17-2007, 02:56 AM
Que parte de mexico y a que ciudad vas a ir/

David Urban
02-20-2007, 07:08 PM
Hola soy de la Cd de Mexico y a cualquier parte en la frontera si consigo discos de calidad, ya sea Nvo Laredo, El Paso, Mexicali, etc.
Tu donde estas, tienes pagina web?

02-20-2007, 07:18 PM
Hola David, cuan difícil es de recibir por avión a Mexico?
Check with Dan at gulf coast discus, he is a Sponsor here from Texas

David Urban
02-21-2007, 03:40 PM
Hola es muy dificil por los permisos que ahora mismo no tenemos, no nos ha visitado SAGARPA para darle ok a las instalaciones y nos de los permisos para importar, por ese motivo quiero ver si en la frontera del lado Mexicano me los entregan y me los traigo a la capital.
Revisare la pagina que me recomiendas y vere que se puede hacer.

If there anything good that happen in life is from Jesus

02-25-2007, 06:50 PM
On this list or Discus as a hobby there is guy in El PAso Texas. When i was there at Christmas (or thanksgiving) there was an ad in the newspaper selling young discus. unfortunately i never called him.
if you search El PAso on these lists you will find him

hope this helps (tho it IS an awefully long way from Mexico City!)

Gordo (aka Paul)

David Urban
02-26-2007, 04:37 PM
Thank for your answer I wil take it in account