View Full Version : Strange Behavior--Plz Help

03-01-2007, 02:36 PM
Hi all....

About a month ago I bought a Cobalt Blue. I saw it scratching lightly now and then on the heater . This fish was in a Qt tank for a month and treated with a praziquantel product. Everything went ok. No more scratching. I introduced it in a 200 lit talk with a PB female , a PB male and a Heckel. The first 2 days it was frightened but after the 3rd day it started eating with the others and on day 5 I saw this fish doing the dance thing with the PB male and cleaning the glass. I thought this was a female and I was correct. A day later I saw her laying eggs. The Heckel ate all the eggs. The next day this female was very nervous , moving fast , damaging her self on the cone on the glasses on the heater. The other 3 were so frightened. She ended with some damage on the body and operculums. For a while she stays in the corner and later she starts again damaging her self and sometimes she swims in rounds like she has no balance.

My water parameters are fine , doing 30% WC every day and temp is set at 29 d. Celsius. I haven’t seen the others scratching and their behavior is normal.

I haven’t seen something like that before. Might be body or skin flukes? Might be something else?

I have removed her in the QT tank again and started treating the wounds.

Any suggestions?

03-02-2007, 01:04 PM
Certainly strange behaviour. Not sure what caused it, there are many factors. You have probably doen the right thing isolating it. Lots of clean water should really be all it needs about now.