View Full Version : Jungle Parasite Clear usage ?'s

03-07-2007, 01:26 PM
One of my fish has gill flukes for sure, and it was in need of treatment right away. They only thing I had on hand was parasite clear from jungle. I've searched all over the forum but can't seem to find exactly what to do after the first treatment. I took the carbon filter out, and treated with 3 tabs that I dissolved in a cup of tank water, and poured in slowly over a period of about an hour. Today the fish looks good, it was almost dead, not moving and it's head was pointed 60 degs downward yesterday. Today, the head is still pointed down, but not as much and it's color is normal. The gills are still inflamed.

So my question is, do I do a WC today of 25%, 50% or 90%....I've read so many different opinions, I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking a 50% change today, and then another dose tomorrow?

03-07-2007, 02:42 PM
Doesn't your package of Parasite Clear give you the directions? They should be right on the back of the package, they are on mine. I think its something like do as large a WC as possible, then dose, then a WC after either 48 or 72 hours then redose at full dosage. When I followed their directions, it worked and I got rid of the gill flukes. If you don't have your directions, you can contact Jungle's customer service at their website or I think you can even call them.

03-07-2007, 02:46 PM
Yes it does say on the back, it says do a %25 WC, but people have stated other %'s on here and I just wanted to get an opinion.

03-07-2007, 02:49 PM
Yes it does say on the back, it says do a %25 WC, but people have stated other %'s on here and I just wanted to get an opinion.
That would depend on which med you're using. I'd go with what the product's directions call for to start with. If no success, then you can move onto something else, larger dosage, dose more often, whatever, as long as it's safe for the fish.

03-07-2007, 06:33 PM
With Jungle's parasite clear, treat them- and do a 75 percent water change daily and restart. I've used this medicine countless times and have seen a lot of success with it. Make sure you keep the airation up though- the fungus and parasite tabs by Jungle are ruthless when it comes to water quality and dissolved oxygen.