03-07-2007, 02:16 PM
Right now I have some rummy nose and cardinals in my 10 gallon quarantine tank, they've been in there for about 2 weeks and no problems so far. I need to get some algae eaters, (ottos and rubblerlip) and would need to add them to the quarantine tank. What would be a preventative addition (or medication) to add so the ones in quarantine have less of a chance of catching anything from them???? I know I should wait til the first are out of quarantine but right now that would create a problem because their going to have to stay in the quarantine tank for a few more months (or longer). thanks Elaine

03-07-2007, 03:19 PM
I'd add the newcomers to the quarantine tank as is with no meds to stress anyone out. Then you do have to start the quarantine all over again, of course!

Or wait, like you mentioned, until you graduate the rummys and cardinals to the main tank before buying the algae crew.

03-07-2007, 03:36 PM
The rubberlip doesn't do too well on warmer water get a bristlenose(bushynose) instead

03-08-2007, 02:38 PM
I thought 82 would be ok for rubberlips, thats what I have the adult discus at? I bought some coppersafe and another products called aqua-sol. the aqua-sol is supposed to be a gentle treatment helpful in the addition of new fish. Reading the ingredients tho........the aqua-sol has copper sulfate and the coppersafe says chelated copper sulfate. Is there a difference??

03-08-2007, 03:39 PM
Hi Elaine-

Just a warning about rubberlips...they can/may attach to your discus and suck slime coating. I caught mine doing that in the middle of the night, heard the discus going nuts in the tank, flipped on the light and saw what was happening! Yanked that pleco right out, and the fish have been fine ever since. Many plecs have a propensity to do this. Choose wisely.

As far as copper...national fish pharmacy has a good article on using copper. "chelated" or "sequestered" copper is more stable and stays in solution longer, thus will last longer in your tank. And you will have less chance of copper fluctuation and thus avoid a swing into toxic levels. Copper is quite toxic in low alkalinity, and it is recommended to make sure your kH is 50ppm or higher (200ppm being recommended). I prefer Coppersafe over Aquarisol. I have had no problems using Coppersafe with scaleless fish and tetras. If you do a water change, you have to add back in the appropriate amount for the amount removed.


03-09-2007, 02:54 PM
thanks Lisa, I have 2 rubberlips in with the adult discus I bought so they're coming out.......I guess I'll stick with those little ottos, they do a good job but their so little it just takes them alittle longer. Elaine