View Full Version : Behavioral question...

03-12-2007, 11:28 PM
I'm new to discus. I bought my first 4 about a month ago. When I got them home they all seemed to be doing fine, eating fine, interacting fine, ect. Since then, I've added 8 cardinal tetras, 3 corey cats, and 2 rams.
About a week ago, my marlboro red start hiding inside a decoration and peeking out only. I haven't noticed him eat in about 4 days. He looks fine, but his behavior has drastically changed from an aggressor to being very timid.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

03-13-2007, 02:02 PM
The first thing I'd do is pull the decoration he's hiding in so you can see the discus and start observing. Your post tells us there is an issue but gives no information with which to help you.
Go to the diease section and look up the thread Disease Questionnaire that gives an outline/formula of needed information on your situation and repost when you have that; you will be more likely to get some help, ok?
Good luck, do it soon!