View Full Version : what are some low/med light plants i can use for my discus tank???

03-17-2007, 04:19 PM
hey guys. i have set-up my first discus tank about 3 months ago so its cycled and in great condition and i have had discus in there for about 1 month. its a 30-gallon and it's filtered by a Aqua-Clear 70 Power Filter.(rated for 70-G)

my problem is that some of my plants "melt" from the high temp (84F - 86F).

my Anubias, ruffle sword, java moss, and jungle val, and crypt are fine though.

the Elodia and one of my saggitarias are sort of melting away little by little and the plants in the tank are thinning out a bit.

I was wondering what low/medium light plants would be good?? i read the article that was pinned at the top about which plants are ok but i don't recognise most of those plants and some seem to be high-light plants which i can not have in my low/medium light tank.

some info.......

I Don't have......
--CO2!!!!!!! and i will not be getting any
--Special Substrate made for plants and i don't really intend to get any.
I'm just a teenager and i can't really afford Co2 or any plant substrate but i will try to do the best i can with what i have.

I DO have.......
--65-Watt light that is on 8 hours everyday.
--White play sand as substrate.

any ideas would be very helpful.

thank you.

03-17-2007, 04:33 PM
Hi RD!

The plants you have in there you stated are doing good are the plants you want to stick with. Maybe a couple more swords.

My concern is having discus in a 30G planted tank!!

I would imagine that the discus you have in there at the moment are small, an they will not do well at all in that small of an environment.

Sorry for the negative feed back. :(


03-17-2007, 05:29 PM
Hi I agree with Mark both as for the plants and discus. You have about 2 watts of light which is close to needing CO2. I would use the plants you have and a fert stick or piece of one under each plant. I would also get some floating plants they will differ some of the light and most have some great roots which grow down in the water and really look great and they filter your water for you. good luck and it sure is great being 16 Ed

03-17-2007, 06:00 PM
thanks guys for the fast replies. yes i know that the 30-gallon is small and my discus are only 2" so they are fine for now. i have read ALOT so i know the basics of keeping discus and a bit more. im 15 and im glad i started keeping discus at this age. a few months ago i did not have any interest in discus at all but now i love them after i found out they are very easy to keep, and not a nightmare to keep like some people out there say they are. i have learned that if i keep up with the work and give them a bit extra i will never loose any (exept to old age :) )

thanks again. and what other sword spiecies would be good in the tank???


03-17-2007, 07:21 PM
Read the stickies.... a 30 imo is way to small, maybe a growout tho.

03-17-2007, 07:47 PM
i know that a 30 is too small!!!!!!!! and it is a growout tank untill i set up my 55!!!!!!! plus i only have 1 discus in there at the moment. maybe ill get him some friends soon when i set up the 55. the stickies did not help me much.

im going to try java lace though and see how it works. also if i only keep 3 discus in the 30-gallon IT WILL BE fine, but i will upgrade soon to a 55.

03-17-2007, 11:49 PM
I have less light than you and am growing red Ludwegia along with the other plants you mentioned, You might want to try green temple also. Keep that tank very clean! Bet you can't wait to set up the 55.

03-18-2007, 12:12 AM
You can do a lot with anubias and crypts, there are so many different leaf shapes, sizes and colors in both families! I find that a lot of the rounder shaped leaf anubias do good for me, but I also have a dwarf lance shaped variegated one (garbon?) that grows like gang busters. Crypts come in red or green and all different shapes. Retrospirilis even has long grass like leaves and does better than vals for me.

Also try onion plant, I've got a twisty type that is doing well.

I don't use CO2 either ;). What types of lights do you use? I agree a min of 46-55 gallons for a grow out is needed.


03-28-2007, 01:56 PM
Hi Royal Discus,

I just wanted to encourage you. I was also 15 when I got my first two Brown Discus. That was 1967. Believe it or not I also got a pair from those two that were among my first breeders. To me those brown discus were the most beautiful fish in the world. I grew those two up in a 26 gallon planted tank, 36X12X16. One pair of Apistogramma borelli, a few Corys and an exchangeable common pleco rounded out the scene.

I cannot begin to tell you how much more is known about discus now vs then.
You sound like you are off to a good start and I'm sure you will do alright.
Try your best to give your discus the 10 gallons per fish as soon as you can swing it.
Larry Waybright, see the "Heckel Project"