View Full Version : Amquel plus

03-17-2007, 09:26 PM
Hello, I have been reading up on Amquel plus product. I have used regular Novaqua for a dechlorinater and also a carbon block. As I read about Amquel plus, I see that it does everything that Novaqua does but more. It takes care of Ammonia,Nitrite and Nitrate. I have spoke to a fish buddy and he said that- Amquel is a bad product and does NOT do what it says. Alittle confusing to me. My question to you is- Have you used it and have had any bad experiences with it? Please, I would like to know. I am looking at options here and weighing my odds for an RO unit. Thanks you ,any help would be appreciated

Elite Aquaria
03-17-2007, 09:32 PM
I have used both products. I personally prefer Prime.


04-01-2007, 04:16 PM
I have been using "Ultimate" for my tank for the longest time. No problems here. I don;t have discus though. But will soon. Does anyone no anything about Ultimate (Hikari)

To fully condition water for new aquariums or ponds; before, after or during water additions; or before adding new fishe, amphibians, invertebrates or plants, add 1 tsp of Ultimate per 10 gallons of water. For larger applications use 1 oz per 60 gallons of water.

This is a complete water conditioner in one bottle. Benefits include: it removes chlorine and ammonia; destroys chloramines; detoxifies nitrite and heavy metals including copper; replaces skin slime coat; adds essential electrolytes; boosts alkalinity; reduces stress; instantly "ages" water.
Non-toxic to humans, pets and aquatic life.
For ponds, freshwater and marine aquariums.
Treats up to 240 gallons.

**Must use a salicylate ammonia test kit**

ClorAm-X, electrolytes, buffers and a proprietary, polymer formula in aqueous solution.