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Dark Lord
03-18-2007, 11:49 PM
Hi all,

Really loves this sites :) tons of good information...

I encounter a strange problem lately and thinking of posting it to seek inputs...

I got a batch of fry(now juvy).. about 100++ of thems..

They grew very well (no mortality) until about one inche (about 3 months old)

Then one or two will die in a strange alternate day fashion.. for example one will die on Monday.. then another one maybe on Thursday... then all clear for the next two days before another one die...:mad:

Ok...sign and symptoms...

All of them feed like mad... I notice a few that stay at the back of the tank.. looking a bit dull (not dark or black..and if i don point them out you will probably think they are just shy or scare)...

and those that die.. normally have a "slight" bloated tummy... but prior to that they do not exhibits any "bloat" at all....prior to their death.. they will still feed as usual... then suddenly ..

I suspect of internal parasite so I try prazi... 7 day course and elevated temperature... strange thing is during this 7 days and the subsequent 2 days post treatment none of the fish die..so i thought all clear..

:o but at day ten, another two die......

so i suspect of gill fluke cause they do breath a bit faster than usual so i did the formalin treatmet.....3 ml to 100 liters....50% WC after 8 hrs..:D

:mad: Guess what?? one of them die on the second day of treatment and another two on the third day......

Hmmm... last resort is metro ... I let them rest for a day.. then in go medicated food and also dosing the water (cause I suspect all might not eat..)

:o Again....one die on the first day and another fella die on the fifth day of treatment.....

All in all I lost about ten already..and I suspect the body count will continue..

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Again.. the fishes did not really exhibit any obvious sign except they stay a bit away and look dull with a little "bloat" I cannot tell whether this is a real bloat or just fill with food because there are other fish that are more bloated and yet they swim happily and begging for more food....and no they don clamp one side of the gill .. they just breath a more rapidly...

Anyone wanna advice what is the next treatment??:o :o :o

Green Country Discus
03-19-2007, 06:56 AM
DL, just a few things to try. You did not mention how often and how much water change you are doing. 50% should be the daily minimum, 100%+ is better. Make sure that your tank is clean, wipe down often and clean your filter often. Make sure that you are cleaning your bbs container between new batches. Too many meds put stress on all fish. I would have started with FMG (quick cure) but tank cleanliness and fresh water will prevent most problems. HTH and good luck.

Dark Lord
03-19-2007, 08:16 AM
DL, just a few things to try. You did not mention how often and how much water change you are doing. 50% should be the daily minimum, 100%+ is better. Make sure that your tank is clean, wipe down often and clean your filter often. Make sure that you are cleaning your bbs container between new batches. Too many meds put stress on all fish. I would have started with FMG (quick cure) but tank cleanliness and fresh water will prevent most problems. HTH and good luck.

Thanks. :angel: .. I do the following WC.. 100% WC change every day with aged water...... wipe down on alternate day.. mine is a bare tank with two air stone.......

As for BBS... I will follow your advice and discard the old hatcher now...

U think I should do another round of formalin treament? Would a short treatment of 36ml/100liter or the long bath of 2ml/100 liter over 8 hrs better??

Tropical Haven
03-19-2007, 08:40 AM
mine is a bare tank with two air stone

Do you have any type of filtration? If not make sure you are doing a 100% water change a day.

Dark Lord
03-19-2007, 09:07 PM
Do you have any type of filtration? If not make sure you are doing a 100% water change a day.

Thank you...

Just an update.. I change the setup to a drip yesterday and almost all of them look better.....

I also did a short bath of formalin and the breathing seems to slow....

I am keeping my finger cross...:)