View Full Version : torn fin

03-22-2007, 10:39 PM
Hi ,

This morning I saw one of my discus's fin near the gill is torn. I don't know what that fin is called. It is pretty bad, the fin is torn into two pieces. I don't know what the casue of it. Will it grow back to normal? How long does it usually take to grow back to normal. Do i need to treate the fish with any med? Thanks.

03-22-2007, 10:49 PM
bit more detail will help. How many discus, what are the tankmates, water parms.

03-22-2007, 10:57 PM
Hi fishlover,

I have 6 discuses and 10 cardinals in 80 gallon tank. Water parameter is ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate around 10, doing water change almost daily (sometimes I miss one). I think the damange to the fin is due to the discus being skittish when the light turn on automatically since I had them for only about three weeks and I had moved them two times in the last week.

03-22-2007, 11:01 PM
I bet that you are referring to the Pectoral Fin. Fins can tear quite easily (especially when fish are fighing, pairing off, establishing pecking order, etc.) and usually mend very fast. You could try some melafix, but it will probably mend on it's own.

Here's an anatomy diagram that I threw together a few years ago that I've always found helpful with describing all those fishy parts. :D

03-22-2007, 11:04 PM
If that attachment is too hard to see, you can also find it at http://www.discusnada.org/ under the Discus Anatomy link.

03-22-2007, 11:15 PM
I bet that you are referring to the Pectoral Fin. Fins can tear quite easily (especially when fish are fighing, pairing off, establishing pecking order, etc.) and usually mend very fast. You could try some melafix, but it will probably mend on it's own.

Here's an anatomy diagram that I threw together a few years ago that I've always found helpful with describing all those fishy parts. :D

Thank kj, yeah, I was talking about the pectoral fin. Glad to hear it will mend quickly. Is there any case you heard where the fin is permanently damaged? just my nature to be worried too much. :-)

03-23-2007, 01:01 AM
None of my fish have ever had a problem with fins healing but I'm just going on my experience. I had one that was split right down the middle pretty much all of the way to the base of the fin. I was amazed that it healed as fast as it did.

Try not to worry too much and keep a close eye on it for a week or so. I really don't think you will have any problems, but if anything looks abnormal in the next few days, let us know.

I would also recommend that you keep up with your WC's right now and keep the water clean...that surely won't hurt.

03-23-2007, 09:53 AM
Lots of good clean water is all you really need. Fins heal pretty quick so long as the water is kept clean. Adding a little melafix couldn't hurt either. Its all natural and will not hurt your biofilter.

03-23-2007, 09:54 AM
One way to less the impact of sudden lights change is to have lunar lights turn on before and after the main lights on.

Or have your house lights on before the tank lights on/off.