View Full Version : Exploration Trip with Heiko

03-23-2007, 11:41 AM
If I picked the wrong section please feel free to move.


I was talking to Heiko about Volume II of his book and he mentioned that he is planning two trips this year into the Amazon. While I don't have the time to make the trip I asked him if he would like me to make it public and he agreed.

So, if you are a bit of an adventurer here are the details. Please feel free to contact Heiko Directly at: aquapress@aquapress-bleher.it

Here is Heiko's reply:

Dear Bill,

here I send you a short abstarct of the two Amazon trips and their cost: Yes you can make it public, and they can contact me directly. The problem is only:
From next monday (26th) to 12th of April I will be in New Guinea. They can contact my secretary, but myself I can only answer after my return.

1. End of June into mid July 2007 (if I get enough people) up the Rio Jutai, in one of the most remote Amazon areas
(totally unexplored fish- and plantwise). indigenous territory (Indian tribes people is certain to be seen on this trip).

This is the more expensive one of the two trips this year (I have one great Greek petshop owner confirmed and two more gave me options):
a) like every other one of my trips with guys: the plain ticket to Manaus and return is on each one himself to take care;
b) the boat to go to the point of departure (about 24-36 hours by speed-boat from Manaus) cost approx. US 200, or less (dep. exchange rate);
c) the chartered boat/vessel, with 3 small boats and outboard engines (to penetrade different areas, and carry over land) cost for the following approx 12 days up the Rio Jutai and back, completely covered with more than 4000 liter diesel (price as in Europe today); gasoline for outboards, 3 meals a day and drinks, service and everything else except alcohol drinks, is total of Euro 150/day (if we have 8 together, if less persons it is more).

2. After October 15th, also for such a period as above, but to the Rio Negro region, into the Rio Araca (affluent of the Rio Demini, which again is a left affluent of the middle Rio Negro); again very remote area and practically unexplored (except for some fisherman colleted "piabas" there):
a) like every other one: the plain ticket to Manaus and return is on each one himself (for a group probably cheaper than for one);
b) the chartered boat/vessel, with 3 small boats and outboard engines (to penetrade different areas, and carry over land) cost for the following approx 12 days up the Rio Araca, departure from manaus and back to Manaus, completely covered with more than 4000 liter diesel (price as in Europe today), gasoline for outboards, 3 meals a day and drinks, service and everything else except alcohol drinks, is total of Euro 125/day (if we have 8 persons together, otherwise more).

Option for each is: sightseeing in Manaus with mini-bus for no extra cost; stay one night at Tropical Hotel (best jungle Hotel in South America), approx US$ 150/night or less (but there are less expensive Hotels in Manaus); food one night in a fantastic traditional restaurant (Amazonian) about US$ 30;
visit to tropical fish exporters place, with possibility to select your own tropical fish (ie exceptional discus or many other cichlids; loricariids; characoids; etc., etc., normally among more than 100plus different rare and beautiful species to choose from, which can be shipped to your destination).

For the latter trip (October) I have already 6 confirmed from 5 different countries around the globe. Anyone intersted must inform ASAP.

Best regards
Heiko Bleher

03-23-2007, 01:31 PM
Hi Bill,
we'll leave it here for now, and then after a bit move it to the amazon section and sticky it there.

That sounds like a great opportunity to be sure..


03-23-2007, 02:52 PM
The trip of a lifetime, for sure. Wish I had that kind of money and no job.


03-23-2007, 06:12 PM
Hi sleonard,
I just came across your Heisenberg uncertainty principle joke about the state of the hypothetical cat in the box thought experiment and just wanted to say I got a good chuckle out of it. Good one.
Larry W.

03-23-2007, 06:28 PM
Hi sleonard,
I just came across your Heisenberg uncertainty principle joke about the state of the hypothetical cat in the box thought experiment and just wanted to say I got a good chuckle out of it. Good one.
Larry W.

I wish I could take credit for it but I can't. I stole it from someone's sig on another forum. It is funny though :)
