View Full Version : Some breeding questions??

03-23-2007, 10:14 PM
hello everyone i just have some Q's about breeding discus.

1)-Can or will the parents lip-lock when they are protecting eggs???

2)-At what tamperature should the tank be at???

3)-Do the parents have to be sepperated from other community fish in the tank when breeding???

thanks..... more basic breeding questions to come.... :)

03-23-2007, 11:11 PM
1) Its not unusual for parents to squabble over access to the eggs...

2) A drop in temp by a few degrees is the normal trigger for spawning activity. It simulates fresh rains. Normal tank temps of 82-86 should be maintained thereafter...

3) Discus can and will spawn in a community tank...Unfortunately, its like a lunch bell for the other inhabitants. Eggs rarely survive long enough to hatch in a community tank and if they do, the fry disappear quickly once they become free swimming...



Elite Aquaria
03-23-2007, 11:14 PM
I have nothing else to add to these answers...

03-23-2007, 11:28 PM
If I were ever to see a pair lip lock I would feel that the eggs or fry would be at risk. A bit of squabbling is one thing, but IMO lip locking is a bit too aggressive and bodes ill.

I keep my breeding tanks at 82. Anything under 86 and 82 or above will work. I have found that I have greater fertility at 82. Once the fry attatch raise the temp.

As for #3, same as Joe said.

03-24-2007, 12:22 AM
when i said lip-locking i just meant like facing eachother and sort of intimidating one another for a few moments, not accually biting or locking lips. lol.

also is it ususal for males to take the charge and protect the eggs alone???

03-24-2007, 03:34 AM
I find my males particularly good at raising fry. It is pretty normal for me to see him carrying all of the fry, and Mom hiding out away from the kids!

03-24-2007, 12:19 PM
when i said lip-locking i just meant like facing eachother and sort of intimidating one another for a few moments, not accually biting or locking lips. lol.

Just so you know, it can actually reach the point of biting and lip locking...


03-24-2007, 04:24 PM
1. Yes they can liplock but normally they don't take it that far.

2. 82, always 82 regardless of what you do.

3. No, but it is quite rare to have success in a colony, but certainly not immpossible.


03-25-2007, 10:45 AM
1. Yes they can liplock but normally they don't take it that far.

2. 82, always 82 regardless of what you do.

3. No, but it is quite rare to have success in a colony, but certainly not immpossible.


hello rod.. thanks for the reply... but for # 3 i was talking about community fish like angels, and danios......not discus... will they breed more if there are no more discus in the tank other than them