View Full Version : aged water went fizzy

03-24-2007, 02:43 PM
When i aged my water the next day it was a little fizzy and a few bubles at the surface. I didnt use an airstone just some water in a bucket. The ph went up 0.2 after being aged for 24hrs. Why was the water fizzy and bubbles all in the bucket at the side and at the surface?

03-24-2007, 07:07 PM
It is the CO2 in the water. That is why you must age your water...

03-24-2007, 07:44 PM
Actually I could be CO2 or O2 or both. It's pretty pointless to age your water and not aerate it for this very reason. Aeration will remove any excesses and make it equibrilate with the atmosphere. A simple airstone is all you need for this.

03-24-2007, 07:54 PM
Actually I could be CO2 or O2 or both.
The PH is changing so some of it is CO2. don't think the O2 will change the PH..IMO