View Full Version : Tefe's

03-28-2007, 08:15 AM
Having had the Tefe's for a week and feeding o,k - The problen is they came straight from the source ( Brazil To Dublin) and being wild have been use to foraging and eating what they could get from nature.( herin lies the problem. )All they will eat is Bloodworm. won't go anywhere near beefheart mix. won't touch flake. trying to get some red worm culture as I know they will eat these. does anyone have advice as to food apart from the Bloodworm.
Remember I am in the republic of ireland and variety re Discus food s limited.
Help from Tefe owners & anyone else appreciated

03-28-2007, 09:06 AM
I am not so sure that this is a problem just because they are from the wild and not domestic. You said you have only had the fish for a week so more than likely, they are still acclimating to being in a tank. It is not always easy to get a discus (wild or domestic) to accept new foods. Just keep offering them the beefheart and eventually they will take it. They always do! :)


03-28-2007, 09:42 AM
Hi Russell,

They will take just about any food a domestic takes.. I feed all my wilds the same as my domestics. Beef heart will probably take some work...

I'd start with a good pellet... starve them 1-2 days...and they start taking it.....They'll even take flake like this.. If they are eating Blood worms then they have an appetite....now work on their food selections.


03-28-2007, 10:17 AM
I picked up four wild browns about a week ago at the lfs. Normally would not buy discus from lfs but these looked nice and lots of red. So I took a chance and brought them home. Tried to feed them fbw the next day and they were not interested. The day after tried frozen Mysis shrimp and they started eating. Since then they only eat frozen foods and nothing else. As Al mentioned I am sure in time they will eat all kinds of food.
Good luck with yours.

03-28-2007, 12:12 PM
Thank's Brew I new I could rely on you. as it happens I mixed som BW in with the Beefheart Mix and they started pecking. must be a bit unsure about the Garlic!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-28-2007, 10:33 PM

I have 6 wild greens very similar to yours. I have had them for two months and yesterday was the first time that i got a couple of them to touch flakes. They still will not touch tetra Color bits. I think that wilds take their time to get used to life in a tank and they do not accept dried foods quickly.

I just cut back the feeding for a couple of days and now they seem to have started pecking at the flake food. You can also try raw shrimp and chopped earthworms if you can get them from your garden.
