View Full Version : water quality

03-30-2007, 08:53 AM
I am new to discus and have smaller ones in a planted tank. Unfortunately I learned after the fact that this is not a good thing. I have no where else to put them and I would like to know some of the things that cause a concern with water quality.

If the readings are all in line, 0 amonia,0 nitrite and below 10 nitrate(mine is zero newly cycled tank), what other water quality issues are there to be concerned about??

Currently they (10)are in a 210 gallon tank with 13 angels which are slightly smaller then the smallest discus. The discus are about silver dollar size to about 2.5 inches.

I clean the beefheart up after the feeding and feed black worms, daphnia(when I have enough), color bits, and flakes. Some days they get brine shrimp fed with spirella powder for added nutrition. I find the live foods keep the tanks much cleaner.

Other then the initial spike from adding so many extra fish the readings are staying where they should be. For their adjustment I have been doing 30% daily water changes. The spike I did a 70%.

I have r/o water and the tanks stay in the mid to lower range about 6.5ph.

I really would like a heads up for what to watch out for to try to do the best I can for them.