View Full Version : "Fuzz" covering everything???

03-30-2007, 07:09 PM
For the last week or more my tanks have been growing fuzz on everything that doesn't swim. The tinyest particles of food, detritus or anything that settles to the bottom or sticks to a surface is quickly glued to the surfaces with a coating of this fungus like fuzz, that has to be wiped off as only the biggest bits will come of with a vaccuuming. It wipes off easily but its a mess to have to clean out every day. The only changes from the norm are that I'm doing a prophylactic metro treatment on the tanks, in the food only. None in the water. And the tap water looks a bit cloudy in the aging barrel, but clears in the tanks. I'm also adding Krill to my BH mix and there seems to be alot of leftover uneaten bits from it. The metro'd BH has gelatin in it as a binder and I wonder if that might be the cause.
Anyone know what causes this fuzz?


03-30-2007, 07:22 PM
Are you sure its not planaria? They make food particles look like that. Look your front glass over good and see if they're crawling all over it.


03-30-2007, 10:32 PM
Planaria??? I don't think so. It doesn't crawl, lol (yet). It just grows on everything organic very fast (over night). I've never seen planaria get thick and fuzzy looking like a fungus but I'll take a closer look. It's like little bits of cotton candy and little tufts of it float all over the place when I wipe it off.


03-30-2007, 11:02 PM
it could be the metro. it has sugar. and it also can make your ph slide and your filters play catchup.
also..krill is extremely messy and hard on your filters. id say the combo.
cut out the krill for now. i have 50 pounds of krill..but it clouds the water fast.

03-31-2007, 11:38 AM
The krill is mixed into the BH with the metro. I also made up about 4lbs of BH mix with krill in it (thats the only way my fish will eat krill) so I'll have to put up with it for awhile at least. I have heard about the suger in metro causing algea blooms and water quality probs so maybe thats it. It's a real pain!


03-31-2007, 01:10 PM
I am no help here kacey, but I hope you can get it figured out and get it to stop cause that sounds really gross :(

03-31-2007, 04:48 PM
Thanks Amber, it's a real PITA!!! I wipe the tanks down and the stuff clumps together and floats all over. Some will settle to the bottom in about half an hour but if a fish swims by or looks at it too hard it's all over the place again. Tomorrow is the last day of metro so I hope thats gonna be the last of the fuzz too. The Hydro's look like they're wearing wool sweaters.


03-31-2007, 06:01 PM
You know.. I treated with metro once on some juvies I got from an lfs (mistake!). The difference with mine was that I dissolved the metro in water and dumped it into the tank. I noticed that there was a "dusting" of the metro all over the bottom of the tank. I had rocks in there and that was it and the crap was all over the place.

Now.. there are many here who feel differently on this, but I have been told, that if you dont bring your water temp up above 90 while treating with metro, it does not dissolve as well and leaves this "dusting". I was told that the meds still work fine whatever the temp of your tank, but the higher heat just helps it dissolve better. Perhaps this is what it is?

Hopefully thats all it is and if it is that.. then I know what you mean. It was nasty and sounds a lot like what you are describing.

I'd wait it out till the treatment is over and do a few water changes to try to get it out and see what happens.
