View Full Version : Hello! why is my mandarin discus changing color when the light is on?

04-05-2007, 09:58 PM

I have 2 mandarin discus who are a bit unusual as they have a white face. I guess that they are more red and white then mandarin properly. One of them (always the same one) is always bright red/orange in the AM when I light my tank and then the color slowly fades throughout the day....(!!!) to an almost pink/peach kind of color!!!! The other one does not change color at all. They are both about 4" and very healthy as far as I can tell. So, what's up????? Any idea??? I thought it could be the food, but they are all (I have 11 young discus in my tank) eating a very varied diet.... Any idea anyone??????

Thanks so much!!!
Sophie (new to discus but not to fish :) and to this awesome site:) )

04-06-2007, 06:46 AM
Hi Sophie,

It may be the breed of the fish that you have.... If they are Mandarin Passions they should not look as you describe...

Would it be possible to post a few pictures?


04-06-2007, 12:32 PM
Hi Al,
Actually they are called Red diamond. I was told to not feed them anything with betacarotene in it because their face would turn neon red...So far, no sign of this. I have a film of the fish but I will take a pic and try to upload it for you. Thanks so much!!!
