View Full Version : Help with...well, I'm not quite sure!

Troy McClure
04-11-2007, 04:45 PM

1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started
One of the discus is a "runt." No matter what, he (I'm assuming is a male) will just not gain any size. This is the one I'm most concerned about as the others still eat, are aggressive, some spawning has taken place (but they ate the eggs, which seems like a sensible thing to me.) Some other things that concern me is they are very skittish. They get spooked and dart when I make quick movements around the tank, lights come, etc. They even spook themselves.

2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/ white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds)
Runt is very reluctant to eat. Ignores the Omega One flakes, sometimes goes after the beefheart, seems to like the Hikari bloodworms the best. Even though he's very thin and is most interested in bloodworms, he will only take a bloodworm or two. It used to be quite tenacious over the bloodworms. He'd get in there with the big boys, grab the cube and swim off with it. It was funny to watch, but now he hides a lot and seems lethargic. He seems to look down a lot, but it don't think it's headstanding (though if I saw a picture of real headstanding, I could better diagnose it.) I haven't been able to see the feces, though I just did a 50% WC a few minutes ago I'll check in about an hour.

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.
None, but this was my main focus with the post. I'd like to try the complete parasite package offered by Rock Mountain Discus because I'm fairly certain the smaller one has parasites. I'm not sure what else could explain it. The others don't seem to bully him much but he won't eat like they do. Any advice here is appreciated as it seems like the more I read, the more questions I have!


4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish
20 long, 1.5yr old, 6 lake tefe green, five are ~3", runt is ~2".

5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?
BB, 50% once a day or every other day, straight tap with good dechlor, Purigen in filter. The tank they will be moved into is a planted 50gal Oceanic with plain black gravel. Black skirt tetras as dither fish.

6 Parameters and water source;
- temp 86*F
- ph _____
- ammonia reading __na__
- nitrite reading __na__
- nitrate reading ____
- well water __no__
- municipal water __yes__

7. Any new fish/plants added recently


For the tank size...I know this is cramped but I bought them when they were only 1-1.5" big. I am cycling a new 50gal for them right now so they will have a much bigger home in a week or two. I would like to treat them in the 20gal (less meds needed to reach required concentrations) and then move them to the 50gal immediately after. I should also note that I originally started off with 10 juvies. One jumped and two stopped eating and eventually died despite isolating them. They became extremely emmaciated and the folks and the LFS weren't much help and didn't mention anything about possible parasites. This is why I'm so concerned about the current runt, though he has hung in there much better than the ones that evetually died.

Another question I had was that they often don't have much coloration. Could the white surface directly under the BB tank be causing them enough stress to wash out their colors?

The ones that stopped eating and eventually died looked almost exactly like the one on this page http://www.simplydiscus.com/library/disease_medications/internal/emaciated_discus.shtml

04-11-2007, 05:45 PM
The number one problem is the cramped quarters and you are addressing this. I would personally get them in the big tank, get that settled with the filter and fish acclimated.
It will take more med to deworm, but the added water volume will help keep the water cleaner imo. this is crucial so as not to stress them more.
If they are 1.5 yr old then they may be permanently stunted, but if dewormed may gain some wt. Otherwise it may be best to start with new discus in the 50 gal. tank.

I would use pure prazi for tapeworm
and levamisole for internal nematodes.
there are good references




Tropical Haven
04-11-2007, 06:17 PM
I would definitely agree on putting them in a bigger tank. I wouldn't go smaller than a 55 gal for your 6 discus. That is probably your main problem wi5th it being stunted. Also double check your nitrates because with the water changes you are doing there has to be a reading of 0.5 to1.0 in Nitrates with that many fish in a 20 gal.

Troy McClure
04-12-2007, 08:18 AM
Agreed on moving them. The tank has a few more days to go before I'll feel comfortable putting them in there. One set-back happened yesterday though - the XP3 that's on the 50gal started leaking from the top where the electrical cord comes out! I was woken up at 3am this morning by the sound of the outflow splashing loudly and I thought, "That's not possible, I just topped it off before I went to sleep...unless..." Sure enough, the inside of the cabinet was wet and the carpet all around the left side of the stand was wet....

04-12-2007, 08:27 AM
planted 50gal Oceanic with plain black gravel.
I know your gravel wasn't the subject of your thread, but with a black substrate, depending of the type of Discus you have, they will either darken a lot or develop peppering if they are PBs. You may want to reconsider the black gravel. Dark substrate as well as dark backgrounds are not a good idea unless you are keeping albinos.