View Full Version : Whats next

04-19-2007, 09:14 PM
Ok people I have had a 55 gallon tank cleaned up for almost 2 weeks now and its been clean and its still a bb tanks. Now I don't know if I want to perfect raising baby discus or go with getting new fish.

I was thinking 2 jags and 2 Oscars and see who will be the last 2 to survive with one another. I need some people suggestions on what they like and even pictures are great so i can look for them. I'm really not sure what i want but a huge beautiful fish eating live food sounds good to me.

04-20-2007, 02:11 PM
Ok I'm looking for a Electric blue Jack Dempsey Anyone know where I can buy them from, or get them from some where? Or have anymore information on them?

I want them now. Please respond.

04-20-2007, 02:29 PM
Ok I'm looking for a Electric blue Jack Dempsey Anyone know where I can buy them from, or get them from some where? Or have anymore information on them?

I want them now. Please respond.
They are a variation from the Central American cichlid Nandopsis Octofasciatum. They can reach between 8"-12" and are one of the most pugnacious med size CA cichlids. Their common name stems from a boxer so you can imagine their tenacity and behavior, although some are quite mild.
In this tank he can be housed with other small to medium size cichlids and other fish capable of holding their own. Not really a high cost but expect to pay anything higher than $5-$10 for a 2" plus fish.

DO not put the managuense in this tank period, not even by itself a 18" plus very nasty but beautiful cichlid deserves much better than to be in this trank not to mention to have to "survive" (they would have killed the Oscars pretty fast BTW)

04-20-2007, 03:34 PM
Wow thats crazy. I was thinking of getting 4 and dropping them in the fish tank with there own kind thats it. The jags and Oscars I know can get along but it all has to start when there babies. My uncle had a Oscar and jag babies. Or maybe it was a jag and dempsy I forget but it was one funny but mean looking thing.

this is where I'm stuck i don't really Know what to buy there all vary beautiful fish and I don't know who i can mix with who. I like Oscars cause there like kids I love jags cause there beautiful and mean some times.

Thank you for your reply ed13.