View Full Version : Help! Fish not eating

04-25-2007, 12:27 AM

I moved my 5 discus into their new tank and one of them is not eating. They were previously separated into 2 groups of 3 and 2 fishes. They were all eating before the move and eating that night after they were all moved into the new tank. I don't have ammonia problem as I just moved the filters along into the new tank to avoid cycling again. After 3 days, one of them is not eating. I noticed it has some tears on its tail after the first night. Yesterday it was eating very little. It seemed to be interested in the food but doesn't eat it. Sometimes it will eat a worm or two then spit it back out. It has normal feces from the bloodworms it ate, no white poop. I just want to know if it was bullied into not eating or if it has internal parasites. It seemed to be less active than it previously was. It was the dominant fish in its tank prior to the move.

Any help will be great.

04-25-2007, 04:08 AM
IMO this behaviour is due to the shift. Give them a day or so to settle, they should be back to normal. They might be skittish for a while though. You can add some sea salt @ 1 tbl. / 10 gal. to ease the stress. Take care all other parameters are within limits :thumbsup: