View Full Version : Bloated Heckel x

04-27-2007, 09:39 AM
Hi there!

I have 4 Heckel x Turq 3-4" (Wayne Ng). 2 of them( the smallest) are kind of bloated since almost 7-8 days. One eats and the other doesn't. The others 2 doesn't show sign of anything. I add 1tsp/10 gallons, no changes. I made a 75% WC and I add 1½ tsp/ 10 gallons. Still no change.

All 4 of them were in a 25 gallons barebottom with 50% WC each night.
pH 7.6
Parameters ok all
I feed them 4 times a day with BW - ColorsBits (2)- Flakes.
Feces are brown and I think "normal" at least no white feces.

I would be very surprised if they have worms 'cos I often add few drop of garlic in the BW.

So yesterday, I isolated the 2 bloated in hospital-tank and make a treatment of epsom salt (2 tbs /10gallons - WC of 45% after 4 hours) I did not give anything to eat. They excreted very thin and tranlucide filaments which stucked a little everywhere on their body and filter-sponge. No solid droppings left from there. Their belly is still swollen but a little less. I am really perplexed, I hope that someone will understand what occurs. The others 2 do not show any sign of nothing yet. I have the idea to start to nourish with a little spiruline with garlic. What would you do?


04-27-2007, 09:58 AM
It sounds like they may have ingested spoiled food or too much food and gotten blocked up... Hard to tell...

also...keep in mind...garlic is a useful for controlling worms... but its not a cure all for worms.


04-27-2007, 07:17 PM
I would treat the whole tank with epsom salt just to clean everyone out..