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05-01-2007, 05:51 PM
Hi all. I just was wondering if discus like stuff like lettuce, spinach, etc on a clip. I feed my lionhead this and it is cool to watch him pull the lettuce and eat it. I just is a little messy tho, but i don't mind. I would be happy to no that i could do this for my discus's when i get them

05-01-2007, 10:37 PM
my blue knights love zucchini. I never would have thunk it.:D I originally put the zucchini in for my baby plecos. The BKs bully off the plecos so they can eat the zucchini. Now I need to put the zucchini directly in pleco's hollowed out fake log for them. It's pretty funny. Occasionally I'll let the BKs have at it.

05-02-2007, 05:24 AM
why not give more often? If they eat it, prbably reel good for them. Is it messy?

05-02-2007, 07:59 AM
Hi Eileen, some of my Discus eat the BNs zucchini, and some of them also eat his algae wafers (poor BN). I have some that love bananas, too! So I see no reason not to feed them some veggies if they'll eat it. I usually feed mine veggie flakes a few times a week.

05-02-2007, 04:35 PM
BANANA'S? How weird. How did u discover that Connie? Strange....

05-03-2007, 12:35 PM
BANANA'S? How weird. How did u discover that Connie? Strange....
I read somewhere that some fish like them, especially clown loaches. Well, Clowny did not eat the banana, but the Tetras loved it. Then I tried some in the Discus tank and a few of them really loved it, especially the 2 super piggies in the tank.

05-03-2007, 03:26 PM
wow, how interesting. I feed skinned peas, spinach, and lettuce to my lionhead. He is sooo cute when he eats it. Funny tho, i don't see my blackmoor eating tho

05-03-2007, 04:14 PM
I read somewhere that some fish like them, especially clown loaches. Well, Clowny did not eat the banana, but the Tetras loved it. Then I tried some in the Discus tank and a few of them really loved it, especially the 2 super piggies in the tank.

How do you feed them the bananas? Do you just throw a hunk in or? Is it messy?


05-03-2007, 04:35 PM
LOL Tina! That's a great mental picture - a Discus swimming around with a banana in its mouth! :D

Actually I cut the banana up into slices, then I cut a slice up into tiny Discus bite sized pieces and only drop maybe two pieces in at a time.

Oh, and I just remembered where I read the info on bananas and Discus. It was in Jack Watley's column in TFH last year. He said that he had done an experiment with raising juvies on bananas. He reported excellent growth, but when they got older, there was some sort of health issue I think. So then I think he wrapped up the article with bananas being a good growth food in addition to more regular Discus fare.