View Full Version : Insect near=fish jump out

05-02-2007, 06:22 PM
Today a new experience, not with discus, with 3" oscars.
I came in the house after 2 hours of errands, 1 oscar missing, I find it on the floor behind the tank, I revive it in the tank, but it dies soon after. 1 hour later I return from an errand, another oscar missing, as I am hunting for it, I find a bee sitting next to the aquaclear filter. I kill the bee, and find this oscar on the floor under an adjacent tank. So far it is still alive.
But the new experience tells me that the fish must have been jumping up to eat the bee and ended up on the floor.:(
No stray voltage...... just a bee.


05-02-2007, 11:28 PM
I've had similar experiences! I had a lima Shovelnose go crazy over insects and for some reason her tank seem to be an insect magnet and of course there were the 35 Rummys that actively hunted(even jumping out of the water to catch them) for mosquitos about to lay eggs in the tank

No archer fish though!:D

White Worm
05-03-2007, 01:33 AM
My discus have chased a fly on the outside of their tank.

05-03-2007, 09:19 AM
Ah, oscars! They will definitely jump out of the tank for insects or food of any kind.

I kept oscars for years and several time had them jump out of the tank when I opened the lid to feed them. One time when I was much younger I had my mom feeding them for me and they did the same to her and scared her half to death.

I saw an Oscar in a QT tank leap out of the tank and snag a moth out of the air, then fall back in like a trout in a lake!

Final funny Oscar story - knowing that they can and do jump I put some books on top of the tank lid to keep it down. One day I came home and found the books on the floor, the lid open, the entire tank top all off center and one of my oscars gone. I looked all over, couldn't find him anywhere. Then while looking behind the tank for the tenth time I heard a noise and looked in the hang on power filter base. There was the 10" oscar sitting in the 1 gallon of water in the 12" long filter base. He was perfectly fine and looking for food...


05-03-2007, 08:16 PM
Good stories!:)