View Full Version : big trouble

05-08-2007, 04:58 PM
I’m getting into a big trouble today.

I have a big guy and four small Fuji Apples . Last night, one of the Fuji apples was staying at corner, looked sick. I took a close look; he got a whitish poop with clear lining.

Looks like Hex problem. Another 3 and my big guy look OK but not sure.

I put him separately. I heard high temp and Metro helps.

The problem is I bought another four discus in Qt tank, they look perfectly healthy.

I don’t know what to do now. Do I need treat the other three fish and the big guy as well, since they shared same tank. Their poops look dark, so there’s no symptom.

Now all my fish are in three tanks.

How can I mix my new fish with my old fish? Looks like my new fish are lot more healthier than my old ones.

If I treated all my old fish, would it be safe to mix them with my new fish afterwards?

I heard if I raise the temp to 95,96F, it will cure the fish, really?

I'm planing treat the sick fish with Metro. watch another 3 and my big guy closely, heated the tank up, feed them some frozen food soaked with Metro.
Do the same to the new fish in QT, just in case. doesn't make sense? any suggestions?

05-08-2007, 05:41 PM
Seems like you are in a bit of a flap :) first off if it is hex, and it sounds likely, the time is on our side.

If I've understood correctly the affected fish is in a tank on its own and being treated with metro and high temps?

The existing fish are still in the original tank and are being treated with metro in food? and high temps? If so I wouldn't have done this without symptoms, and if I was to do this I would have treated them all together. Now that you've started the course (if I've understood it right) then finish it, but keep the temps normal in the main tank.

If you haven't treated the new fish in qt then don't if they are not showing any signs. Keep seperate nets, pipes and towels for the qt tank and it should be ok.

For the obviously sick one yes metro at 400mg per 10 gallons twice a day, keep up with w/c's and keep the tank as clean as possible. Feed only something like fbw and sparringly, remove eneaten food after 30 mins. Its up to you about the temps, I've had the same level of success at normal temps (84 to 86f or 29 to 30C) as I have had at higher temps. The one thing higher temps wuill help with, or may hep with si the loss of appetite, it can stimulate the fish into feeding.


05-08-2007, 08:05 PM
Thanks, Paul:
About the fish in main tank, shouldn't I do sth to prevent? they gonna mix with the new fish down the road. Is it safe to feed some treated food to prevent the problem? since they are eating

05-09-2007, 04:08 PM
Kevin, I wouldn't at this stage if they are not showing any symptoms. Keep the water quality high and the diet balanced and hex will be a very infrequent visitor.

When it comes time to mix them, put your least favourite from teh main tank in with the new ones for 2 weeks, if there is no bad reaction itspretty safe to mix them at that stage.

05-09-2007, 04:29 PM
thanks, Paul:
I think I saw some whitish stuff in my main tank this morning?
If it's white poo, I need to treat the whole tank with Metro, then, right?
Is it better to use med food?Does frozen blood worm and pellets work?
Or better use live black worm?

05-09-2007, 05:34 PM
If there is evidence then it may make sense to treat, but don't go looking for trouble :)

Usually there is a reason why a tank breaks down and the fish get hex, stress is the biggest cause, it could be from water quality, bullying, or something else. Also diet plays an important role here too.

Of the foods you mention I would use pellets and fbw. Graham has a method that should work and I've pasted it here but edited for metro...:D

If he's eating well you can by medicated foods but if you want to make some up then, take some of the pellets and lightly spray them with some Pam cooking spray, then dump them in a Zip Loc baggies and add the powdered metro to the bag...shake. This should have coated the pellets with the Metro.. Pour them out on a tray and allow them to dry. You now have medicated food.


05-09-2007, 05:55 PM
Thanks, paul
I heard soak frozen blood worm with Metro works too.
What about high temp. I read here, 34 degree kills the parasites.
Did you try it?

05-10-2007, 06:55 PM
I do use high temps, particularly when I am sure its not bacterial. They can stimulate the appetite and the fishes activity, gets them eating and "wanting" to live. I believe it stimulates their immune system too, but run any engine hard and it uses more fuel!. With metro I have the same level of success at 30C as I do at 34C.

05-10-2007, 07:00 PM
thanks, Paul:
I think you are right.
An expert told me no more than 30 degree.
My liitle sick fish seems getting better.
My other fish seem not infected.