View Full Version : Slow Motion Discus....something is "off"....

05-09-2007, 09:01 PM
Hey Guys ~ My discus are sluggish lately ~ I have been trying to ignore but no can do man.......they seemed more active when there was 14 in the 55gal! There are nine now and they look great, eat the same, everything is the same but it all is like in slow motion!....

Even when they come up to me ...slow motion...sluggish ~ color is good and water params are fine as well ~ I know them well and I will admit I am not one for waiting, wc, waiting, wc wc wc...and more wait....

They just look sad...I think I should do something and now.

Thanks Guys ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

05-09-2007, 11:24 PM
maybe they had enough of moving from house to house ;)

seriously try a full 24 hr without eating, this might get them going once you restart the feeding. Or you could try increasing temp to achieve hunger a bit.

05-09-2007, 11:31 PM
Dan, they eat fine! No problem there:) I did think of not feeding for a day or so ~ and they are probably tired of moving....( I took that well didn't I? )

My temp is always at 86-87.....

Thanks Dan!

05-10-2007, 01:10 AM
Unless my adult fish are spawning or fighting/chasing, they always move in slow motion. They eat well and are healthy (laying eggs every 7 days or so now). I think that's just how most adult discus are. They're much more laid back than juvies.

If your fish are grown, I'd bump the temp down to 84 or so. No sense in keeping their metabolism higher now that their growth is slowing down.


05-10-2007, 08:34 AM
Thanks Ryan! Most of them are almost two years, save the one from A&A and some from Kenny ~

Ya know ~ as dumb as this may sound, I never really get to see them like I do now ~ I am like four to six steps from the tank and they are always in view...

...more of a reason to find things amiss:o I will turn the heat down, Ryan ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif