View Full Version : 911 !!!!

05-11-2007, 03:08 PM
Okay, spent most of my time w/the discus today. I have seen my one discus swimming real fast back and forth, also seems like an big itch at the tail end, shaking, has become aggressive, going after my rasbora's and actually killing one. Took big chunk out of his stomach. Did not eat it:mad: now i noticed not only him but another one scraping against the pvc pipe i have in the tank. What is this. The water parms are ph 72, nites, 0 amm,0 and nitrates 5.0, gh 140, kh 80
What to do?

05-11-2007, 04:08 PM
Eileen, did you get a new test kit? If memory serves your kits is 2 years old, I wouldn't trust it it. Wat temp is thet ank running btw?

I suspect a water problem gibven these symptoms and your previous thread, because of that add salt at 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons, this is for the probable/possible nitrite in there. Also get the tank to around 84f to 86f and get hold of some FMG or prazi. Quick Cure is FMG btw (Formalin and Malachite Green). And make sure you test kit is new and retest BEFORE using the meds.


05-11-2007, 05:51 PM
Hi Paul, I did get a new test kit. I talked to a guy from Aquarium Pharmacuticals and he told me that the lot # on the bottles r the yr. of mfg. so u can calculate 3yrs from the last # of the lot, which makes mine, NO GOOD! But I did retest and still the same results. I did talk to Cary and he told me the same thing u did. but no meds were mentioned. Should i get some start zyme or should I take some gravel out of my established tank, rinse and set it in the tank in a netting bag? Maybe i can jump start it that way. I also have a nice pc of driftwood i can put in. If so, how long do i keep it in there? The temp was @ 88, lowered it to 86/cary and added salt. He alson told me my w/c is way too much. He said only 20% every other day. Said no chance of my bio to load up.:confused: ..........

05-11-2007, 06:15 PM

Is that a pic of your tank in the Avatar? I don't usually post in this section anymore because my buddy Paul is so dead on Right all the time. But, and I don't know the full background but looking at that pic in your avatar I just think there might be too many shadows in the tank and ur fish might just be scared and knock themselves around...then you get bacterial infection....just a thought that you might want to consider leaving lights on and do what you can to minimize shadows...


05-11-2007, 07:32 PM

Is that a pic of your tank in the Avatar? I don't usually post in this section anymore because my buddy Paul is so dead on Right all the time. But, and I don't know the full background but looking at that pic in your avatar I just think there might be too many shadows in the tank and ur fish might just be scared and knock themselves around...then you get bacterial infection....just a thought that you might want to consider leaving lights on and do what you can to minimize shadows...

No, that pic is of my 75 gal. My discus 55 gal is in a spare room. Only place for it. I really think u hit it dead on. Paul is probably right. I added salt around 5pm and fed around 6:15 pm and they ate there. I just want to no how long for the salt and replace salt w/ w/c?

05-11-2007, 10:50 PM
Okay :)

I can't see the whole tank but that looks much better! Continue salt for 72 hrs, light feedings, replace salt with water changes, syphon the bottom clean, remove any objects in the tank...
