View Full Version : Brand of Beefhart?

Don Trinko
05-11-2007, 07:53 PM
My Discut like bloodworms and chicklid flakes. They will eat brine shrimp ,mysis shrimp, and color bits but they do not apear to like them as well.
I am thinking of trying beefheart but I do not want to make my own. Is there a particularly good or bad brand? Will it cloud the water? Do you just defrost and feed like other frozen foods? Thanks; Don T.

05-11-2007, 08:19 PM
We make and sell our own. So I do not know of a brand that is good. Your best bet is to see if there is a breeder that will sell you some that lives close to you. It will be alot cheaper and better IMO.

05-15-2007, 06:58 PM
In addition to what Angela said, I also would not bother thawing it. Just feed it frozen. This will keep it from breaking up and spoiling your water. And it doesn't hurt the fish.