View Full Version : I need help ID'ing a fish... this is driving me crazy!

05-13-2007, 01:48 AM
Okay, this is going to be very vague, but maybe someone will know what I am talking about.

I subscribe to three fish magazines -- Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (FAMA), Tropical Fish Hobbyist (TFH), and Aquarium Fish International. Sometime in the last year, one of the magazines (I can't remember which) did a cover story on a little red fish. It wasn't a cichlid but it had cichlid-like behavior. They said it wasn't seen very often in the hobby but they did a whole article on it. It's scientific name was the same name for Genus and species, similar to Badis badis. But I don't think it was actually Badis badis. I could be wrong, who knows.

Does anyone know what fish I am talking about?

05-13-2007, 01:55 AM
Ah ha! Nevermind, I found it :) After some processing, my brain finally came up with it. It's Dario dario, the Scarlet Badis. So it was a Badis after all, just a different species. I think I want some of these -- they look like a nifty little fish :)


05-13-2007, 02:34 AM
They do look pretty cool, Ryan! I do not feel like reading all the info...:p how big do they get? Would you put them in with discus or a community tank?

How did you ever find this fish? I want some!:)

05-13-2007, 08:11 AM
Hi Ryan,

Real interesting fish there. I can't believe how small they get. Also, looks like a cross between a beta and a gourami, don't u think? I emailed the mag to see where to locate these little guys. If u find out, can u share, and I will if I find out.
Thanks, great article and fish!

05-13-2007, 08:13 AM
Oh those are CUTE! Reminds me a little of a betta.. just a little :) Very cool! Let us know if you get some!


05-13-2007, 08:06 PM
I wouldn't put them in with discus. They stay very small. The males are only about 1" long. The article recommends a small species-only tank. I always like to keep my options open for small tanks because I have some 10 and 20 gallons that might want to be set up when I move into my own place :)

There's another cool little dwarf cichlid that I'd also like to try (Taeniacara candidi (http://jbukkems.tweakdsl.nl/Vissen/Taeniacara_candidi.html)) but they would also probably need a species tank because they're so small.


05-13-2007, 08:27 PM
Well worth reporting, Ryan. I wonder if spawning mops would work, both sinking and floating. I suppose the fry would need infusoria in that case. Their social patterns remind me of my blue gularis. Sometimes several males can be kept together if I remove the dominant male. Another does not automatically become dominant. I'm tempted to investigate this but I would have to ship retail to find a market and I'm not at all keen to ship. Still... Martha

05-14-2007, 12:34 AM
From what I've been reading they are extremely tiny and only the males are colorful. I still think they're a neat little fish. The fry are almost impossible to raise because of their tiny size but I guess infusoria works if you can get some. The adults like microworms, brine shrimp, chopped bloodworms or tubifex. Some articles say that they require live food or they waste away, but I'm sure if you got tank-raised ones they would be more willing to eat frozen stuff with live treats occasionally.

I don't think I'd attempt breeding and raising, it'd just be a neat little fish to have in a small planted tank on my desk or counter top :)

05-14-2007, 12:45 PM
AW they are too cute! Would have liked to have seen a female also, even tho they say they are plain looking. Could't keep any in my discus tank, since the temps are too high for them, according to that article. If ya get any...I'd love to see pics!