View Full Version : feeding Juvies

05-14-2007, 07:13 PM
Hi all, its been one whole wk I have had my juvies. I had a few hiccups but thanks to some fine advice, things have gotten better. I am not sure tho how many times i am to feed these piglets!. Don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to see them chow, but don't want to overfeed and get them sick either. Its a little diff. w/a child, they cry when they r hungry. Fish, well they r hungry all the time. does it matter cause when i think i gave too much, i find out they eat it all up anyway. I feed fbw apprx. 5:30am, then the fish feeder is timed @ 8am-11am, 1330, 4pm CBW's and thats when their stomach swells. Should i feed anymore after that? I want bh but haven't gotten it yet. Thinking of Bill Eagan. Can anyone let me know if this is too much, too little or just right!

Darren's Discus
05-14-2007, 07:43 PM
small feeds more often is the best,as most of us have a life as well i find 3 feeds a day works well and my juvies grow well as long as you siphon off the crap and do regular wc as well they should grow fine keep up the good work and you will be rewarded with big fat healthy adults !


05-15-2007, 04:45 AM
Three to five daily feeds is excellent. If you overfeed a bit in the morning with commercial food, the little pigs will munch their way through the bits by the next feed. Colorbits and ONF are great pellets while Tetra Crisps seem to be OK with my fish. I like ending the day with a dash of FBW or CBW just to see them turn into sharks. It also keeps the most complete food in their trough during the day.

Oh, I don't like to use the worm feeder. Too much competition up at the top for food. I prefer to take a pinch of worms and scatter them in the center of the tank. If I toss the right amount, the last worm gets sucked up just before it hits the bottom.

I try to avoid the BH. Commercial mixes are two greasy and self prepared ones are too much trouble.