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View Full Version : Metro Doesn't Work! PLEASE HELP!!

05-14-2007, 07:52 PM
HI everyone, i would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me. About two weeks ago i realized one of my discus was really sick, and when i saw white poop(long and stringy) coming out, and a hole in the head, i decided to quarentine him. i treated him with metronidazole for about a week, (250/10 gal) every 8 hours and unfortunately i have seen no improvement. he still doesnt eat and isnt looking any better. is there anything last resort measure i can do to save him, i really would hate to lose him considering he is, or was, my most beautiful fish. thank you so much for any help and hopefully we can save this guy. ANY suggestions would be appreciated(even crazy ones), thanks:(

05-14-2007, 08:00 PM
You can try kanamycin Sulfate . (jehmco.com) ..you could also try going at 500 mg instead of 250 for the metro.

I'd suspect worms though as the culprit, and try a dewormer like levamisole.


05-14-2007, 10:48 PM
Two things:
Did you raise the temperature to 93F, since you were using Metro as a bath?
Much better to mix the Metro in food, works better and no need to raise the temp. Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX works wonders on Hex and worms btw, feed twice a day for 3 days.