View Full Version : In need of advice

05-19-2007, 08:49 AM
Hi all. Please don't get irritated w/me by this ? but i have no where else to turn and u people r real exp. and i need help. I have a lionhead and a blackmoor in a 39gal. They are still juvies, lionhead more than a yr and blackmoor less than a yr. My problem is i am finding white stringy poop. Not sure which one yet,i think it may be the bm. Anyway, i was wondering if the poop applies to all fish, and should i treat them the same, minus the spike in heat? I think they can handle up to 80 deg, thou i am not sure on that either. Any knowledgable person, info would be appr. Thanks. (If u think i am out of line asking this ? in a discus forum, i don't mind trying to find out somewhere else, just no u and thought):confused: .....

05-19-2007, 09:43 AM
Hi Eileen,:)

Are these the only inhabitants of the tank?
Are they eating and acting normal?
whats the tanks maintenance like?


05-19-2007, 09:43 AM
Hey Eileen, if Sd can handle me, you are okay!:) You might, however, want to in the future post this in the Talking To Me section or in tankmates....as I think that this section is for discus ~

Someone will be around to help you soon!:)

05-19-2007, 06:35 PM
Yes Marie, u r right. Man, one day i will get this right. Okay al, yes, they r the only tankmates. Water has no heater, ph is 7.2 nitrates r between 4-6, hard to tell w/that kit, color too close. No nitri or ammon. They r eating great. Using a magnum 350 filter and must say, don't do w/c that frequently w/them Just vacuum the poop more than change water. I no, not good, but now i might have to start more w/changes
Didn't feed them last nite, did big w/c. Fed fbw's this morning and they chowed. Maybe i will wait to see what the next few days will bring. There diet is Hakari Lionhead food w/head enhancer. The lionhead eats romaine lettuce once in a while. BM doesn't eat it. Haven't had that in about 1 wk. They seem fine, just seeing the stringy pooh made me a little curious!. I plan on moving them to the 55gal where the discus were. Discus moved to 75gal.

05-22-2007, 03:26 PM
HI Eileen,
My inclination is always to try increasing the tank maintenance when theres a problem...so I'd start there.... Theres some medicated foods that many are having success with called gel tek... the antiparasitic one... you may want to read up on it and try it.. Haven't used it myself...but since the fish are eating it may be the best way to go.

Upping the temp should not be necessary.

My other suggestion is to try and change the food they are eating or add variety..
