View Full Version : ALL MY FISH DIED!!!!!

05-24-2007, 02:54 PM
:(:(:(This morning I was at work my mother-in-law called me and told me that all my fish were upside down and some at the bottom dead. My heater must of malfunctioned and boiled my fish to death. I was soooo upset that happened. Couldn't believe that it did. That has never happened to me or heard it from anyone before. Right now there are three left one still at the bottom dont know if he'll make it the other two look better but don't really know what there out come will be ( if they survive). Looks like after a month or so, see what they do and take care of my tank i will be looking to restock.:(:(:(:(:(

05-24-2007, 03:04 PM
That really sucks. I have heard of it happening before to others here on simply. What kind of heater did you have? :(


05-24-2007, 03:08 PM
Sorry to hear that. I have heard the heater problems couple of times now. One of colleague told me that his fish committed suicide and jump out of the water because the tank was so hot.

05-24-2007, 03:10 PM
Don't recall the name I threw it away. It was one of the good ones he submersible ones. So sad I loved my fish.

05-24-2007, 03:24 PM
O my god Tamara,

Im so sorry to hear about the heater malfunction..did My Red Spotted Green make it?????

05-24-2007, 03:58 PM
OMG, that's everybodies worst nightmare :(.

I'm so sorry about your loss, I'd lost a tank full of fish too last December. :(

Take care and {{{HUGS}}}


05-24-2007, 04:29 PM
I had a heater malfunction like this as well, I caught it though before the temp got above 92 though. Sorry to hear about your loss! :(

05-24-2007, 06:25 PM
Oh man...so sorry to hear that ;-( That's every aquarists' nightmare!

05-24-2007, 06:59 PM

CAPS IS SCREAMING,........................................ .................................. GOOD I WANT TO SCREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you need for your tank lets say 300W use 2 heaters of 200W and this will never happen again. Put one at each side of the tank, the temp. will be better overall the tank, when 1 heater sticks, the other will shut off, 1 x 200W in a tank that need a 300W will never make Discus soup,


05-24-2007, 07:18 PM
.what size tank and what size heater did you have? what colour was the top of it? blue and white?
so sorry to hear..nothing worse.

Darren's Discus
05-24-2007, 07:25 PM
sorry to hear of your loss , when you restock make shure you take hans advice it is much better running 2 lower heaters than relying on 1 bigger one as unfortunately you found out.


05-24-2007, 07:32 PM
That really sucks! I know it's been said, but I am sorry that you had to experience that. How many fish did you end up losing?

05-24-2007, 07:33 PM
Look into a heater controller too.


05-24-2007, 08:55 PM
Tgirl, very sad.. I feel for your loss.
I wished I could afford to do what Hans recommends , but I have seven tanks with $ 70 +- heaters on them and can not afford to double that investment.


05-24-2007, 09:40 PM
Roberto, reconsider, how much money do you've swimming in your tanks?


05-24-2007, 09:59 PM
As someone else suggested, a heater controller would be a good investment. There are threads here on SD regarding the Otto Controller. I used an Otto Computherm heater with controller since 1992. The most recent one I bought cost $15 for just the controller, and it is rated for 500W, but Otto no longer makes the heater/controller combo. The Otto controller also has a safety shut off at 95 degrees. It keeps the tank temp nice and steady too. Regular price for this controller is about $30, $15 was a sale price. It is well worth the money. I still use the one I bought back in 1992.

05-24-2007, 10:44 PM
Tamara, that sucks really bad. I know that some of your fish were from us. Sooooo.... Get your heater situation under control like Hans suggested and we will ship you some new fish for your tank and you only pay for shipping.

I'm sorry this happened. :(

05-25-2007, 12:15 AM
Tamara I am sorry to hear this woman!:(....A heater control would be a good thing, listen to Connie re that ~

That is a great thing that Angela and Andrew are doing ~ there are a lot of people here that care:)

Hang in there ~

Marie ~ :balloon:

05-25-2007, 08:59 AM
You guys are all so awesome.... Thanx for all the replies. :)

Hanz ( thats my dads name) And its' Ok that you yelled. I did have two heaters in my tank and thay have a auto shot off switch made into them. The one I think that broke was the Fluval? Black top for up to 65gl tank 200w and I have a 95gl tank. And Iam going to look into a heater controller.

Angel I'm sorry to say yes he didnt make it you don't know how i feel My son loved him when he saw him in my tank and he was sooo happy there.

Angela & Andrew, You guys are the Best! And thank you for that I will call you soon about the fish but now I want to get my tank strait like you said.

I've lost 9 fish all nice. I have one left since this moring and she was swimming around some last knight but would end up back at her sick bed as I would call it. See what happens within the next couple of days with her. If she servives I don't know how she would turn out with her insides i would say are prob. messed up. I will miss them So sad :(

06-02-2007, 05:19 AM
get a hydor heater controller they aren't too much... and for example set the heater itself at like 84 degrees and the heater controller at 86.... when the heater sticks the temp will go up to 86 and the controller will shut it off.....

06-02-2007, 08:39 AM
Thanx I ordered one its on its way I didnt have one before. the heater i have had a shut off switch but i learned my lesson:)

06-02-2007, 12:34 PM
Basically here in SG, i practice using a 100W heater for 150W tank and i place the heater beside the air bubble so that it will help me even out the temp around the tank....

06-02-2007, 09:51 PM
Well I have two heaters in my tank once again one on each side and i got a heater controller. I am All set. This is the first time that I ever
experienced that before with all the years I've had tanks and never heard of it till now. My son and I were so sad that it happened. my mother-in-law and my son worked together that day to save our fish. He's 9 years old and such a big boy he loves all of his animals all the way down to the snake we have.

06-03-2007, 05:51 AM
I am ver sorry to hear this. this happened to me too. I even had "2 heaters", one would not heat the tank. Both stuck on after a power surge in a lightning storm. It is a very sick feeling indeed.
Best of luck to you.:)

Get your heater situation under control like Hans suggested and we will ship you some new fish for your tank and you only pay for shipping.

Very generous of you Andrew and Angela! Just shows what an outstanding team and sponsor you are:):)

06-03-2007, 10:20 AM
Well I have two heaters in my tank once again one on each side and i got a heater controller. I am All set. This is the first time that I ever
experienced that before with all the years I've had tanks and never heard of it till now. My son and I were so sad that it happened. my mother-in-law and my son worked together that day to save our fish. He's 9 years old and such a big boy he loves all of his animals all the way down to the snake we have.

That's is a horrible thing to experience, but it appears you have purchased from some real classy folks who have made the experience a little less painful, if only in your pocket book.:)

Back in the 70's I had a similar event happen to me and I lost 6 adult discus, but one survived. I actually wrote an essay on that fish in my biology class in college. He obviously had a gene that allowed him to tolerate higher temperatures than his tank mates. I had named him Pericles and he survived another four years until the storm of '78 wiped out my entire discus collection, when we lost power on the peninsula I was living for two weeks and they froze.

The controller is the only way to go, according to the advice I have been receiving. I called a technician at Jehmco the other day and posted the info I received from him on another site. I'm cutting and pasting the following for this thread:

"I spoke to John at Jehmco and purchased a ETCI-1R temperature controller with two receptacles for $82, which is a bargain compared to the amount I've been spending trying to land a dependable, good quality heater.


Some interesting bits of John's Advice:

1. With the controller one does not really need to be concerned with the quality of the heater, as long as it is of sufficient wattage. Heater quality is based upon, so he says, the attempt of the maker for thermostatic accuracy, which the ETCI-1R takes over. ( I found this of interest because most of us probably spend as much as 100 bucks on larger tank heaters without getting the peace of mind that the thermostat is not going to go bad and fry or freeze the fish.)

2. These controllers are superb when one water source is supplying numerous tanks - real economical in that case. (Some day I'd love to get a system going like that.)

3. If one at the present time is using duplication of half power heaters in each tank (as Hans recommends here), be sure to buy the ETCI-1R with the extra receptacle ( $7 dollars more) to accomadate both heaters simultaneously. (I did that.)"
