View Full Version : Présentation

05-30-2007, 02:15 PM
Hello with all,

I am French, alive in France, and I do not speak your language
very well, sorry.........

I have two tank devoted to the wild discus.

In one, there are 6 discus Heckels, two of Rio Negro, two of Rio
Cuiuini, and two of Rio Branco, but I think that they come rather from
Lago Cureru, because they only with half are not lined. This aquarium
is of a capacity of 100 gallons.

The other aquarium of 92 gallons contains 5 Téfé.

I hope to be likely to make a success of their reproductions, which is
not easy.

For their maintenances, I proceed to 20% of water changes every 2
days. I use that water osmosé. The parameters of Heckel' S tank is:

Ph 4,8
Kh 0
83 Fahrenheight

For the Téfé's tank, the parameters is
Ph 5,3
50µS and 83 Fahrenheigt.

heckel Lago cureru

Heckel rio Negro

the group of heckel's discus

The group of Téfé's discus

05-30-2007, 02:28 PM
Hi Alain,
Welcome to SimplyDiscus.com:) Thanks for Sharing your pictures with us here.. You have a very beautiful group of Discus there..

Your heckels look very healthy and well taken care of.

Are these two groups of discus ones that you have had in your care a while?

What do you feed them?


05-30-2007, 03:11 PM
Thank you for your compliments,:)

Like food, I give a food containing Beefheart, of TetraPrima
Discus, they are pellets, and a little food frozen, as Brineshrimp and
bloom worms

I encountered problem of disease, no concerns for aclimatation.

In connection with behavior of the discus Heckel, they live by 2,
according to their sources, Rio negro together, etc.....

Each one having a particular territory. The tank not being long
enough, I had to withdraw the 2 Lago cureru, because the 2 other
couples had started to clean their supports of laying.

But since I have to withdraw the 2 Lago cureru, it does not occur
anything any more.

One needs much patience with these fish

05-30-2007, 04:55 PM
One needs much patience with these fish Yes , one does!:)

I wish you luck with Breeding them, it looks like you are doing very well so far!

take care,

Darren's Discus
05-30-2007, 09:39 PM
beautiful heckels thanks for sharing your pics and welcome to simply look forward to updates on your Discus.


05-31-2007, 09:27 AM
Welcome Alain...glad to have you here. Hope to see some fry in the near future!!! Good luck...