View Full Version : Please help me!

05-31-2007, 09:54 AM
My male doesn’t feel well at all!

2 days before I had to take off the fries (wich are 20 days) from the parents cause the male didn’t seem to feel well… didn’t eat, black, open gills, white film on his eyes. I thought of gillsflukes so I administrated Prazipro but no changes. Last night I made a 80% WC as everynight and I brought up the temp at 93°C (34°C).

This morning he’s standing at 45% nose down, still black ans has one little white dot above his right eye, eyes are still whitish.
As we can see on the pic the female is with him and she has no problem at all, nor the fries.

I don’t know what else to do, help me please!


Barebottom 25g reproduction tank
Parameters 0 all
pH 7.6
WC 80% each day


05-31-2007, 06:25 PM
Nobody? Is it because you don't understand my explainations?

05-31-2007, 06:28 PM
It sounds like the fry may have taken too much slime coat off and a bacterail infection set in.

I would get some maracyn.

05-31-2007, 08:23 PM
I tend to agree with Bill, although I would use Furan 2.

05-31-2007, 08:46 PM
I agree Bill and Larry that this is probably from the fry feeding,

Furan 2 would be my choice of an antibiotic as well for something like this.. best guess..

One thing I would do first though is drop the temp... 93 F is not good IMO if theres a possible bacterial infection and impaired gills. Instead... I'd drop the temp to a comfortable 84-85F and really aerate the tank well. If the fish is still head standing or is getting worse, then medicate... if the fish looks any better then I would play it by ear and let nature heal the fish.
