View Full Version : Replace Prazi after WC?

06-01-2007, 11:05 AM
My fry were free swimming May18 and last night two died. This morning two more died. I just treated with PraziPro because: this was recommended in threads with similar problems, a former tank mate of the parents, when dissected, had a gill fluke, and because, before the fry died, they were darting about as though something was biting them in the bum. If this is unsuccessful I plan on using formalin.
Temp – 85
Ammonia – 0
Nitrites – 0
Nitrates – 5
Water changes – 50 % two times daily. Thorough wipe-down daily, hob filter with nylon stocking on intake, filter pad replaced this am although it was probably ok.
Feeding bbs, plus they now pick on their parents’ flake, fbw and bh. Fed finely chopped cbw on Wed. because the day’s bbs hatch failed. (oh oh here it comes!:bomb:)
My question: do I replace the discarded PraziPro after the evening’s water change? Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. I’m new at this. Thanks. Martha

06-02-2007, 08:25 AM
Al, should this thread be in disease? Few are even reading it. This is an important lesson- make titles more interesting, rather than make them represent the question.:(

06-02-2007, 08:27 AM
Hi, here's a link for you:


I'm sure there's more info, too, if you want it. I just did a search on "prazi" in the Disease section.

06-02-2007, 09:02 AM
Thanks Connie, but the thread doesn’t shed much light. I had searched the disease section pretty thoroughly. Paul says he doses 2 or 3 days on and one day off and replaces what was lost in the water change. So, if he does a wc in the am and then doses, then the following am he does another water change, he shouldn’t need to replace what he dosed from the previous day because he is dosing again the recommended amount of 1oz to 120 gal. If he does two wc’s in one day, as I am doing, then it makes sense to replace after the evening one but if a 50 % wc is done the following am and then a full dose is given, won’t we end up with an overdose because there was already medication from the previous evening? The confusion comes out with Scott’s interpretation at the end of the thread. Why would he ever dose at 1.5 oz., when one oz. is the prescribed dose? I guess the real question is, what is the half-life, or breakdown rate of Prazi? Also, Paul’s recommendations, I am sure, are for adult fish. Would that regime be ok for young fry? I wouldn’t want to overdose. Thanks again. Martha

06-02-2007, 03:42 PM
I've clarified the instruction in the above thread, I am not certain of the exact half life of prazi, but I know it doesn't last overly long.

If I were to use prazi on fry I would dose the same, I tend to use fmg in these cases though.

for clarity here is my dosing regime for prazi
Day 0 full dose,
Day 1 after 50% w/c half dose,
Day 2 after 50% w/c half dose,
Day 3 50% w/c no prazi
Day 4 50% w/c full dose.

06-02-2007, 05:50 PM
Many thanks Paul. That's very clear. I used a full dose this am after the wc but the fry appear fine now. I only lost 6 or 7 fry. I'll finish the regime and remember the mfg next time. Martha